So update from this morning. Sycamore is very dry at 17%. Just split one larger ugly this morning. The wetter looking ash is no more than 20%. For about 1hr it was fine this morning, no smell at all with 25°F outside. I turned it down after about 15-20min slowly to about 65% and it slowed down at mid medium range. My wife says there was a very faint amount of creo smell about 2hrs afterwards and it aired out in just a few minutes with the window open upstairs. It had warmed to 32°F.
The reoccurring trends throughout this project:
- Smaller and lighter woods heat up the box too hot and the stat turns down to far too low of a level for my setup. That's what happened last night. The other nights were not completely filled which means it is less likely to get the stat as hot. Plus I was running some locust which burns slower.
- Outside temp: Seems to be some sub-optimal range from 30-38 degrees where the draft is lower but the chimney cools too quickly. Above that the chimney stays warmer.
In general everything seems to have made an improvement: the 3ft extension, the 45's, removing the adapter, bypass fully closed. I don't have a draft measurement setup yet still but I'm pretty confident the issue is that my setup can't reliably support tstat below 75% if the stove is too hot. Tiny flames to no flame can't be supported with my draft. It turns down too much and effectively stalls out the wood until it cools enough to get the flow high enough. Where it is running now I can support some relatively good burn times over 10hrs with little to no creo emission. That is a huge improvement. This may be sustainable if I keep my wood averaging above 5lbs vs 1-2lbs and use 20+MBTU wood that burns slow. I have to be careful to not let the box get too hot during startup.
If I want to play it safe I can go back to E-W loads and get nice even 6-8hr burn times with only about 20lbs of wood and there is no creo emitted. I'll see how it's running the next couple days and see if there is a good procedure that keeps it running clean with N-S loads...