If something can burn my house down if I use it wrong, I’m going to follow the manual to the letter 😁Thank you.
OP, bkvp is what his name suggests.
Seems an Ashford would work and your concern is not a problem if you adhere to the manual (as you should anyway).
They beauty is that you can run it a bit harder now but if you insulate you can run it at lower output.
The other concern about basement installs is negative pressure, where your home functions as a chimney (drafts warm air up) which can lead to smoke roll out (or CO).
Hard to say if this would be an issue. If the upstairs and the ceiling to the attic is well air sealed, it may not be an issue.
We just had a bunch of air sealing done in the attic, so hopefully the latter won’t be an issue.
I think we would consider insulation down the road, but we’d want to do it right and sheetrock over, and that’s not in the budget right now as that would not be a DIY for us.
We don’t like it very warm anyway, so if the stove can take the basement from its current 54 F to something closer to 70 F and provide a little warmth on the main level to offset some of the heating there, we’ll be happy.
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