BK Ashford 30 in unfinished basement

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Stove pipe leaks should suck in air, not exhaust it, except for at the end of a burn when draft is down. So you may be right.

Double wall seals better imo. (And helps keep things warm longer, thus keeping an up draft longer.)

Depending on the brand of single wall some can have some very ugly leaks at the joint since the snap-lok seal is thick and the pipe doesn't roll perfectly round. Some brands are better like welded single wall from duravent but much more expensive. Double wall is great for many reasons including fit, draft, and durability with the SS construction.

Since this stove dumps into 8" chimney do you suppose that the already small amount of waste heat is further lost because of the low velocity in the larger pipe? More time in the pipe to cool and become a slug?

I have to admit, seeing that ashford in the basement with an 8" chimney makes me sad. I would have been thrilled to put a king there. Save the pretty ashford for the living room.

AF30.2's are an updated design and we've not had any issues with 30.2's that were not solved by a proper installation.

Glad to hear that the 30.2 had changes made that might reduce the likelihood of this smoke leakage issue.
Yes, the slow down of the gases (because the total mass flow through the cross section will remain the same) will necessarily lead to cooler gases - exacerbated by the increased heat loss rate of single wall pipes.

Yes, I was only familiar with the crappy single wall. (I had some initially.)

Maybe the OP is going to finish the basement. (Or hates the look of a King - wouldn't be a first :p )
I do like that it's fully free standing.