We have been remodeling our hearth over the past few months in anticipation of a new woodstove. In classic DIY project fashion, very little has been as straightforward or efficient as we first thought it should. The latest hang-up in the project is that after finalizing dimensions for our hearth surface and preparing to order the slab of limestone we are wanting, we find that all local suppliers are expecting a minimum 3wk wait for us to receive our hearth. In the meantime, our stove is ready to be picked up (we decided on the Alderlea T6), we are eager to install it and start burning wood (which IS going to be dry enough), and the local temps are quickly falling to a good range for burning.
Question: will the 1/2" cement board currently laid on top of our raised hearth be safe to install the stove on top of, or should we put something else on top of the cement board in the meantime before the limestone can be installed? The cement board itself is on top of a plywood sheet. I have read in other posts that the Alderlea requires only ember protection, and therefore the cement board would be sufficient. Otherwise, we would consider putting down a layer of brick from the old hearth under/around the stove for additional insulation. It would sure be nice to get the stove going before Thanksgiving, even if it means some additional moving it around for install once the permanent hearth arrives.
Secondary question...what IS the hearth pad requirement for the T6? Because while I've seen "ember protection" here even from t6 owners, and I'm sure our stove supplier would also say ember protection is fine, the manual that I've seen online says
"The stove may be installed on a combustible
floor provided ember protection made from
a 6mm thick non-combustible material with
a thermal resistance value of .8m2 ˚K/W for
4mm thick cement sheets is used"
Is this manual outdated? Is it just misleading about the 0.8 m2? Am I just not making sense of the terms I'm reading? If real-world users say their cat finds the space under this stove a comfortable place to sleep (from a long-ago hearth.com post
), I doubt we will have issues with it burning up the plywood under the cement board, even temporarily. But I'd appreciate hearing from others none-the-less.
Question: will the 1/2" cement board currently laid on top of our raised hearth be safe to install the stove on top of, or should we put something else on top of the cement board in the meantime before the limestone can be installed? The cement board itself is on top of a plywood sheet. I have read in other posts that the Alderlea requires only ember protection, and therefore the cement board would be sufficient. Otherwise, we would consider putting down a layer of brick from the old hearth under/around the stove for additional insulation. It would sure be nice to get the stove going before Thanksgiving, even if it means some additional moving it around for install once the permanent hearth arrives.
Secondary question...what IS the hearth pad requirement for the T6? Because while I've seen "ember protection" here even from t6 owners, and I'm sure our stove supplier would also say ember protection is fine, the manual that I've seen online says
"The stove may be installed on a combustible
floor provided ember protection made from
a 6mm thick non-combustible material with
a thermal resistance value of .8m2 ˚K/W for
4mm thick cement sheets is used"
Is this manual outdated? Is it just misleading about the 0.8 m2? Am I just not making sense of the terms I'm reading? If real-world users say their cat finds the space under this stove a comfortable place to sleep (from a long-ago hearth.com post