Waiting to hear what the draft reading is, until then there's not much to say that wasn't said a while back. By all accounts the BKK is a stout heater but will need to be installed to spec.
The OP hasn't done any name calling and seems to be trying to keep his sense of humor but that's my take.
Trev how much wood were you using before with the old stove? If you were going through gobs of wood it may be that you were able to overwhelm the fact that your basement isn't insulated by sheer volume.
Lastly if the chimney (draft) won't support the BK maybe the dealer will take it back. In that case you may be a candidate for a tube stove. You've already gotten some good recommendations on that.
Thanks. I HAVE been working pretty hard at that occasionally, and will be the first to laugh at myself if I done something dumb. And I really really am way less polite in real life.
Best price locally for a manometer I was quoted $350 for. And just short of $400 for a glass door for the stove, from a guy that I found out much too late, is a BK dealer.
No local HVAC suppliers, looks like it's mail order. Question regarding a manometer install. Am I out to lunch thinking that the manometer port could be tapped into the clean out door? IIRC, it's one of Boyle's Laws that says the pressure in a system is the same throughout, yeah?
Did put hands on a digital non contact thermometer though.
I was running a decent wheelbarrow load a day, in all. At around a foot long per, I was able to stack my indoor wood box with right around five loads of wood, and it would take me anywhere from 4 days to a week to go through it.
Wetter (by hefting and estimating) wood used to get used when their was a pretty well established fire and the heat needs were not great. But mostly, it was my undersized stove, burning hot, in the main, and the chimney stayed pretty warm, enough to contribute a great deal to the heating of the rooms in the uppermost floor, some to the main floor via the brick around the fireplace. Thermal mass, etc. As much as I was looking forward to less wood to haul, I wasn't fully cognizant of a great many of the details I needed to be.
Am definitely not burning as much wood. I am, and have been, burning much better wood than I used previously. My options at this point are to stack and wait a year, or burn what I have.