What's your favorite BEER?

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hey randy was the boddington's from tap or can. boddington's on tap is great, the can i like also but does taste different (better) on tap

It was a can
Most of the dogfish head stuff we find on tap locally is IPA's, and not being a fan of IPA, I just stay away. However, their "Ancient Ale" series comes on tap as available, and that produces some very interesting stuff worth trying. Their Theobroma is one of the finest ales I've ever tasted.

On IPA's: hopping up a beer, IPA-style, was something that was once necessary for beer to survive long voyages (from Europe to India) without refrigeration. The thinking was, "well, it tastes like chit, but at least it doesn't go rancid." When home-brew and micro-brew started regaining popularity 15 years ago, most small brewers found this the easiest style to make, due to the hops pretty much hiding all of their sins. So, it somehow gained popularity, as what a home brew or micro brew should be. It's akin to haggis or lutefisk... things that were once done out of financial or practical necessity, that have somehow become tradition. You can tell yourself you like it...
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LOL Joful- you sound a bit defensive- nobody's telling you that you have to drink IPA.

I like IPA's. Honestly- eyes rolling back enjoy a good IPA. Others have that reaction to fresh tomatoes from the garden, olives, and jazz music- but I don't see it. You can try and tell me what I like in beer, in food, music, or in women (hint- think "boobies"), but you may miss the mark.

This place opened a few miles from my house in the past few years- their Double Battle Axe IPA is ranked in the top 10 by a couple of sources. I'm working up a sweat just typing about it.

[Hearth.com] What's your favorite BEER?
I've grown to like IPA's, especially good with spicy food. As I've gotten older and far less likely to drink a sixer, I like my beers to be more robust and flavorful.
Sometimes, a porter satisfies. Other times, an IPA hits the spot. So many styles, so little time. The only style I don't like is bland.
I don't alway drink beer...but when I do :) The local Wegmans store has been a find for me, try a new beer or two every week. I don't recall the name, but there was a coffee/caramel beer that was rather tasty. Probably a 2 beer limit on it though, kinda heavy. Plan to tour the Dogfish Head brewery next year when at the beach.
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Thanks for the info mellow!
For anyone in the Philly area, I just tried Conshohocken Saison on tap the other day, and found it very tasty. Actually got it in a pint glass, which was a treat, since most Saisons are served in too-small 10 oz. goblets (as if they're a Tripel!). I recommend trying it, if you can find it. I'd probably not buy full a case of it, but I'd definitely be hunting down a sixer or growler.
Picked up a case of 6 varieties of Blue Moon . Spiced carmel apple is pretty good so far. Dogfish 60 minute IPA is next. The 120 minute is 18% ABV. or 36 proof.
i've never had a oatmeal stout. what do the oatmeal do for the beer or what does it taste like????????
Have to try a single of dogfish as i hear its bitter. Dont want whole case of something i dont like.
i've never had a oatmeal stout. what do the oatmeal do for the beer or what does it taste like????????

Increased body and viscosity. Doesn't taste like oats. Generally used in a small proportion to other grains. 5 to 30% of the grain bill.
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So what are some of your favorite beers?
A cold one.

I have drank every beer ever recommended to me and from Natty light to Sam Adams, Stella to Guinness I have liked them all. Each is different. Some are better for sipping by a fire, others are better for quenching your thirst after a hard days work.

I am really partial to my homebrew, and might buy beer twice a year now. I do all grain beers, no kits, no nothing.
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Have to try a single of dogfish as i hear its bitter. Dont want whole case of something i dont like.
Got a Wegman's nearby? They usually have Dogfish Head by the bottle. Also, most bars with a decent beer menu will sell sixers of Dogfish Head, but unfortunately, none of their better brews (see above).
Do you guys like Oatmeal Stouts? I had this one while up visiting family in Vermont, they had it on the old push pull type tap unfiltered, one of the best I have ever had.

[Hearth.com] What's your favorite BEER?
I have had Wolaver's Oatmeal- I really liked it! It was one of the few beers that looked appealing at our local natural foods store.

One comment- that beer in the pic sure looks light color for a stout :)
Ill try the oatmeal stout next trip.
Just picked up some samuel smiths chocolate stout,and a pak of dogfishhead indian brown ale and a hard root beer.
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I'm blown away it didn't rate higher on BA:

Some of the stuff on BA im surprised rates so high. The sam smith organic chocolate stout i tried rated very high.94 I thought it tasted like medicine. Hard to drink.
I don't alway drink beer...but when I do :) The local Wegmans store has been a find for me, try a new beer or two every week. I don't recall the name, but there was a coffee/caramel beer that was rather tasty. .
Weis market has a growing variety of craft beers. They seem to be more costly than at a beverage dist. though. Coffee/carmel does sound very interesting.