What's your favorite BEER?

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Leave it up to Yuengling to come up with refreshing summer brew to add to their line up and dipping their barrels into the craft beer arena.The color is a golden amber with a nice white head. The smell is rich with mango sweetness mixed with grains and malts. There is nothing overpowering about this brew, it has a nice balance to it. Goes down smooth with an ABV of 6%. For $12 a 12 pak they always manage to make a good beer for a light beer price.

[Hearth.com] What's your favorite BEER? [Hearth.com] What's your favorite BEER?
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had dinner in the best fish restaurant around here. had to have a couple of these. what a nice beer. when it's cold it tasted like a little beer in a ice coffee with a touch of chocolate[Hearth.com] What's your favorite BEER?
One of my favorites is DoubleBag
[Hearth.com] What's your favorite BEER?

Typically don't run into issues finding it locally.

After that I mostly get the Voodoo Ranger IPAs. Their 1985 one is really nice imo.
[Hearth.com] What's your favorite BEER?

Also tried Pumpking for the first time this year and absolutely loved it. Think the places in my town only got one shipment as they ran out pretty quickly and I ended up going to a place near my work a couple times to get more.
My favorite, almost anything I brew myself! Currently I have a really good coconut porter. Tomorrow I'll be kegging an IPA. Yum.... 🍺