I've never tested the MC of my firewood. I know oak takes a long time to season and that's why I split them very small.
To be fair, he did talked to me in advanced but he only asked that I stop burning completely. When I said I would not but was open to other suggestion, I agreed not to burn during rain and snow because the smoke and odor seem to hover around the house. A few weeks later, he filed the complaint. From my point of view, he just doesn't want me to burn and no compromise was going to be reached.
I don't know much about the law whether this is a nuisance or code complaint. The stoves was installed by a professional and permit was pulled and approved.
Below is an excerpt from an email I received from the board of health:
Excerpting from the Town of Paxton Zoning Bylaws and MassDEP regulations respective to smoke follows:
“Section 5.8 Environmental Performance Standards
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Bylaw, and use permitted by Right or by Special
Permit in any district shall not be conducted in a manner as to emit any dangerous, noxious, injurious, or
otherwise objectionable …, smoke, … odor or other form of environmental pollution conditions or element in an amount as to adversely affect the surrounding environment.
The following standards shall apply:
1. Emissions shall be completely and effectively confined within a building, or so regulated as
to prevent any nuisance, hazard, or other disturbance from being perceptible (without the use of
instruments) at any lot line of the premises on which the use is located.
4. No emission of visible dark or offensive smoke shall be permitted.
9. No emission of odorous gases or odoriferous matter in such quantities as to be offensive
shall be permitted.
Any process, which may involve the creation and/or emission of any odors, shall be provided with a
secondary safeguard system”.
In addition to the Town Of Paxton Zoning Bylaws is the MassDEP- Air Pollution Control Regulation, 310 CMR 7.00. defines wood stoves are considered a fuel utilization facility:
FUEL UTILIZATION FACILITY means any furnace(s), fuel burning equipment, boiler(s),
space heaters or any appurtenance thereto used for the burning of fuels, for the emission of
products of combustion, or in connection with any process which generates heat and emits
products of combustion, but does not mean a motor vehicle or an incinerator; except that for the
purposes of 310 CMR 7.22, means a single furnace, fuel burning equipment, boiler or space
heater for the purpose of generating electricity or thermal energy.
Smoke and odor from wood stoves are considered air contaminates:
AIR CONTAMINANT means any substance or man-made physical phenomenon in the ambient
air space and includes, but is not limited to, dust, flyash, gas, fume, mist,odor, smoke, vapor,
pollen, microorganism, radioactive material, radiation, heat, sound, any combination thereof, or
any decay or reaction product thereof.
Air contaminates can cause or contribute to a condition of air pollution:
AIR POLLUTION means the presence in the ambient air space of one or more air contaminants
or combinations thereof in such concentrations and of such duration as to:
(a) cause a nuisance;
(b) be injurious, or be on the basis of current information, potentially injurious to human
or animal life, to vegetation, or to property; or
(c) unreasonably interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property or the
conduct of business.
310 CMR 7.09 is the regulation which addresses smoke and odor from fuel utilization facilities:
310 CMR 7.09: U Dust, Odor, Construction, and Demolition
(1) No person having control of any dust or odor generating operations such as, but not limited
to asphalt batching plants, asphalt roofing materials manufacturing plants, asphalt blowing
plants, foundries, chemical products manufacturing plants, incinerators,fuel utilization facilities,
petroleum products manufacturing plants, aggregate manufacturing plants, food preparation or
processing facilities, wood products plants, dry cleaning establishments, paint and varnish
manufacturing plants, paper manufacturing plants, leather manufacturing plants, concrete
batching plants, metal coating and treating plants, land clearing operations, construction work,
dump operations, agricultural operations and street sweeping shall permit emissions therefrom
which cause or contribute to a condition of air pollution.