I believe in pine

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glenng said:
Burning Pine in Pa will make your dog drag its butt across your carpet. With all the Pa hardwoods there is no reason to burn Pine.

there is major competion in my area. Far and few between "free wood scores" thats anything other than silver maple, poplar or pine. People know wood burners want hardwood and I don't like to pay for it. If ifind some for $100 a cord, which I have, c/s I buy it. Otherwise I take what's free.
RoseRedHoofbeats said:
I live next to a pine forest, so I'm going to end up with lots of the stuff. I'm sure I'll develop a fondness for it eventually, but you'll never convince me it's better than oak or mesquite. =P


Lots of these east coast marks PAY for firewood. If I lived in them parts I'd burn nothing but because 1) it's free for the taking 2) some of those marks PAY to have pine removed.

Free pine (or pine that someone PAYED you to haul away) beats the sh_t out of hardwoods you had to pay for.

Just sayin'

Free pine (or pine that someone PAYED you to haul away) beats the sh_t out of hardwoods you had to pay for.

Just sayin'[/quote]

You got it brutha!!
Pine it sounds like the answers to the worlds problem's the way u guys are talking about it.
There's allot of hard wood here in CT and with limited space to store it u have to pick n choose and I choose hard wood , but last winter I had to cut down a dead Cedar an Pine and what would have gone to the dump went in my wood pile my buddy said I was nutz (throw it out) told him this for the shoulder season "same guy who used to pass on mulberry" anyway burnt great smelled great............
I have to cut a 30ft pine down this fall and its going in nxt yrs stash..... I'm with u now I believe in Pine....
Redburn said:
Pine it sounds like the answers to the worlds problem's the way u guys are talking about it.
There's allot of hard wood here in CT and with limited space to store it u have to pick n choose and I choose hard wood , but last winter I had to cut down a dead Cedar an Pine and what would have gone to the dump went in my wood pile my buddy said I was nutz (throw it out) told him this for the shoulder season "same guy who used to pass on mulberry" anyway burnt great smelled great............
I have to cut a 30ft pine down this fall and its going in nxt yrs stash..... I'm with u now I believe in Pine....

This year I put 110% into trying to find (free) hardwood and failed. Don't get me wrong if I find hardwood you better believe I'm bringing it home. Everyone I know, knows I burn wood and am always looking for good stuff. I searched CL daily, newspaper, called tree services etc. I managed 4 cord of various maple mostly silver maple at that. The rest is a 3 cord mix of walnut, locust, pine, poplar, and hemlock. With my work schedule I'm home a-lot and don't mind reloading a few more times during the day.

I'm cheap, buying wood to me, is not the answer personally. I'm far enough ahead in my wood stacks to be more selective but if it's free I'm taking it, except willow.
Bigg_Redd said:
...... and defecate on your porch.

LMAO! And I thought it was a racoon that left the turd on our deck. Damn you pine!!!! :lol:
I've been burning it in my few fires so far this year and it is wood. It burns, makes heat. I didn't burn much my first couple years simply because I didn't have any that was dry. First year I didn't have any at all and didn't gather my own wood (bought it all). Second year I was gathering and got a bit of pine (of some sort) and stacked it up - that is what I"m burning now. I have another pile drying up for next year. Given how well it seems to be doing I'll be glad to pile up more for following years, but my concern is that I'm space limited so if I have a chance to get more BTU dense wood I'll get it. However cost of these evergreens around here really makes them attractive! However, given that eastern white pine is so low BTU/volume I don't see using it for long burns in January in my house...
I usually pass on pine, but I think I might start keeping a little around. At the very least, I can throw it in the fire pit, right? I have four huge spruce trees in my yard that really need to come down. I think I'm going to split it up and keep it around. It is a lot of wood and I'd have a hard time just hauling it down to the dump.
The thing to remember about pine is that it isn't oak and shouldn't be burned like it. It is not my burn all night wood, unless I've got nothing else. Also, if I have a choice, I'll take a hardwood any day because it is basically the same effort to load my truck with pine as it is oak. It's not great wood, but it fills a niche in my woodpile and stove.
ckarotka said:
Mike PA said:
Pine will burn your house down. You will have tons of creosote. Better your house than mine!! Hope you live close to the fire department and check your smoke detectors!!

Burning pine. Pshaw!
Come on, man, no need to tell the whole east coast that pine burns well. I'll lose out on free wood!

The funny part is I've had this discussion with my wifes Uncle who I would say is a pretty sharp guy and he said those exact words. My response that I learned here was: "what do they burn in Alaska? Where there is nothing else to burn?" He still didn't believe me and thinks I'm nuts. After the proper education I have no concerns, it measures out at 17-20% is light as a feather and sounds like a 2x4 when smacked together.

I could put up a billboard about how safe is it to burn pine around here and people would bring me theirs for free!! That gives me an idea. I could put an add on CL and people would PAY me to get rid of it.

We burn in the interior black spruce, white spruce, paper birch, quaking aspen...thats about all that is burnt here in the interior. We don't actually
have any pine trees that are pine trees as most people know them but yes we do have conifers that are in the "pine" family (Pinaceae). Only
speaking for the interior of course. I believe southeast and southcentral have lodgepole pine

just being a smartass for the sake of it :)
Bigg_Redd said:
RoseRedHoofbeats said:
I live next to a pine forest, so I'm going to end up with lots of the stuff. I'm sure I'll develop a fondness for it eventually, but you'll never convince me it's better than oak or mesquite. =P


Lots of these east coast marks PAY for firewood. If I lived in them parts I'd burn nothing but because 1) it's free for the taking 2) some of those marks PAY to have pine removed.

Free pine (or pine that someone PAYED you to haul away) beats the sh_t out of hardwoods you had to pay for.

Just sayin'

I burn the oak I get for free too. It doesn't show up in my yard stovelength the way pine does, but it is still free. Save the oak for overnight burns in the coldest few months.
Dune said:
I burn the oak I get for free too. It doesn't show up in my yard stovelength the way pine does, but it is still free. Save the oak for overnight burns in the coldest few months.

I've yet to figure out how to get it to show up in my yard free in any form, but perhaps some day I'll get to that point - stove length would be great!

However I did find a CL posting offering split pine (pick up) for free... given that I have not heard back on my response to the ad I expect I was too late. Oh well, better luck next pine.
Carbon_Liberator said:
I believe in pine too,,,,,,,,,, in fact I believe in my pine so much I filled my woodshed with it,,,,,,,,, well almost ,,,,,,,,,,,,, there's a little bit of walnut in there,,,,, and a bit of douglas fir,,,, oh and I think I still have a few splits of spruce in there at the back somewhere,,,,,, but mostly pine,,,,,,,,,,, not that Eastern white pine though,,,,,,,,, the stuff I got will give me more than 3 hours of burn time,,,,,,,,, in fact I can go about 8 hours before before reloading,,,,,,,,,,, no match nesessary,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not out in the garage stove though,,,,,,,,,, got an older smoke dragon in there,,,,,,,,, I doubt even oak would give me a good overnight burn in that ole stove,,,,,,,,,, still it sure warms the place up when I want to work out there,,,,,,,,,,, too hot really,,,,,,,,,,,,I have to open the big garage door sometimes,,,,,,,, stop me if I'm rambling,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, .... .. . Did I mention I like pine? ;-)
[Hearth.com] I believe in pine
I see that you have beetle kill in your area too, judging by the pile in the foreground of your pix.
stihltheone said:
I see that you have beetle kill in your area too, judging by the pile in the foreground of your pix.

Yep, it's just like Manna from heaven to a wood burner.
The trees are literally lying on the ground (like manna) where I go to collect wood, and the best part is it's pre-seasoned so I can cut and split it in the morning, and burn it that afternoon. :cheese:

edit: I have a HD video online of my boys splitting and filling the last of the wood into the woodshed if anybody is interested in watching it.
It's about 50 Mb in size and older computers can't all play HD videos, but here it is for those daring enough to try.....
Woodshed Video
Slow1 said:
Dune said:
I burn the oak I get for free too. It doesn't show up in my yard stovelength the way pine does, but it is still free. Save the oak for overnight burns in the coldest few months.

I've yet to figure out how to get it to show up in my yard free in any form, but perhaps some day I'll get to that point - stove length would be great!

However I did find a CL posting offering split pine (pick up) for free... given that I have not heard back on my response to the ad I expect I was too late. Oh well, better luck next pine.

Call a few tree services in your town. Give them your address. Tell them they can dump stove length rounds in your yard. Don't call many unless you have a big yard.
With over six cords of pine, I have had to suspend deliveries until I catch up on splitting and stacking. Pine splits better when dry, unless you have a splitter.
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