Someone has not been shopping in the organic produce section for a long time. Corn can go for a buck an ear. Head of cabbage around $10, strawberries $4/lb, etc. We have collected about 2 gallons of blueberries this year. They go for $4 for 18 oz. locally. All that and we get good exercise in the process, so delete the cost of gym membership.So, after weeks of work and watering, and hundreds of dollars worth of gardening supplies, how many 25-cent vegetables have you enjoyed from these gardens?![]()

There is a degree of irony if one notes that some people spend hundreds or more on their lawns and nothing is eating that grass unless they have sheep or goats.

That said, I constructed a peach house last year to shelter the tree from fall/winter rains. This is to prevent peach leaf curl. Every year this fungus took its toll on the tree. It was in bad shape. The good news is that it worked! For the first time in 4 years, the tree bore 8 fantastic peaches. And virtually no leaf curl. The bad news is that makes them come in this year at about $25 a peach this year.

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