I've not been attending to the garden this fall ever since we moved as I've been busy with other things. We had a lot of rain at the end of September [starting the day after we moved; it was bad enough to wash out a number of roads in our county and close public schools for a few days]. That killed a number of our plants, particularly the cucurbits which struggle anyway in our soil, but also tomatoes for the most part.
The peppers did fine though it, and my mom and I had lots of big harvests this fall. I'm not sure that these photos are the actual last harvests I did, but I was very pleased with the pepper crop. I made paprika out of the Beaver Dam peppers and the Txorixero. I love the flavor the Beaver Dam. The Txorixero were the most prolific, so that produced an abundance of deeply flavored sweet paprika. The Hot Sunset banana peppers I cut into rings for the freezer and also made about a liter of fermented hot sauce. The kids have been enjoying that.
![[Hearth.com] 2024 Garden Thread! [Hearth.com] 2024 Garden Thread!](https://www.hearth.com/talk/data/attachments/333/333877-f17a904d5c5663747df0745a6f337173.jpg?hash=77QDL0B6KA)
![[Hearth.com] 2024 Garden Thread! [Hearth.com] 2024 Garden Thread!](https://www.hearth.com/talk/data/attachments/333/333878-5b72354ca946209f8b2b6d196baf3508.jpg?hash=hvBWndEQ2L)
My mom harvested sweet potatoes for me and got a good crop. She's still eating salad from the garden with lettuce, parsley, cilantro, and dill. We've had hard freezes, but so far those plants have survived. There's also mustard growing, and my little guy and I snack on leaves of that when we go to Grandma's. It can be a kick to the sinuses, though.
My oldest daughter asked me to help her start tomato seeds over Thanksgiving, so we have about three dozen seedlings growing. She's taking a greenhouse management course, and these will eventually move to the greenhouse, but that's not for a few weeks yet, so I really need to get a grow light set up for them. They've spent cloudy days under our piano lamp and sunny days in our sun room, but even sunny winter days in Virginia aren't enough light, so I need to make it a priority.
I have not set up our Aerogardens yet, though I'd like to soon.