Yeah. About that.So you are having problems but did not ask the dealer for advice???? That should be your first call
Given the number of folks expressing their disbelief that anyone competent would suggest things that were from them, I feel that educating myself, for one, and sorting out some actual numbers, rather than my impressions and estimates for another, is in order.
As one example, the go around over the un-insulated basement. I live here. I spend a LOT of my recreation time, sitting a few feet away from the stove. I was comfortable. My wife was comfortable upstairs. I changed out the stove. I was not comfortable, in that same space, which was not changed. My wife was not comfortable upstairs. Now, I am sorry I do not have a recorded record of the temperatures. The level of disbelief that has been expressed, over my stated opinions on the general efficacy of this stove, in my circumstances, have mostly been met with, well, derision and disbelief. Numbers are harder to disbelieve.
Sorry those folks all feel that way. I figure I was giving that stove a pretty fair run to see what it could do. We went through a cold spell, and I found the heat output wanting.
We do not live in an extreme part of the world, as far as temperatures go, here, other than at high summer anyways. I wanted a stove that would run normally enough at about half throttle, with the ability to really really throw heat when I wanted it. I have not got that. I am sorting out the details of why.
Some seem to think I kicked their puppy for saying so, while others have been really spot on with their advice. By the time I talk to the dealer, I wish to have facts in hand, I wish to have a pretty solid handle on whether I think I was fed a line of poo, or if I just made a wrong decision, and what the potential right one might be to somewhat offset that.