Maybe if you just let us know what answer you want we can end the thread. It's not the wood, it's not the chimney, it's not that it's in an uninsulated basement, so it must be the stove. I'd run out and buy a new one.
Y'know, I'd really like to hear from y'all about that there point on the uninsulated basement. It keeps coming up like it's some sort of bogeyman, and I will reiterate this.
It was warm before. It isn't now.
The area is part of the heated living space in this house.
With my dinky little stove, fed with ~12 inch pieces of wood of lesser quality (IMO) than what I am using now, I was able to keep the house warm enough to keep my wife from complaining. Yeah it was a chore. Leading to the want of a BIG stove to put out BIG heat!
The wood stove is placed under a hood which feeds directly to my central heating system as intake air. The furnace fan is used to distribute the heat from the stove, throughout the house. The system was originally designed and built to have this alternate heat source, with a thermo switch mounted in the system to kick the fans on, when the heat rises from the stove. Or, it was supposed to. THAT i why I did not consider buying the circ fans system for the stove. I did not want the immediate area heated, it should be getting that as a side effect of it's proximity to the stove. I wished for the heat to find it's way in to the duct via the hood over the stove,that it would be distributed about the entire house, as had been the norm even with the much smaller stove I had removed (the small RSF model).
I believe the wood is as dry as any, if not better than, that I have ever used in the previous stoves. But we pretty much beat that to death and arrived at a reasonable solution, which is, 'we'll see what the moisture meter says'.
I was assured by the seller that the stove would work with the chimney as it is. The seller provided me with the reducer, when I discussed the existing chimney and piping with him. So that boils down, IMO, to a matter that has affected MY trust of Blaze King's dealer. That is worth being open and public about, IMO.
Yeah. New stove. After spending $4k of my family's money on a wood stove, I am dissatisfied with it and looking at having to go through this process again. Which does not please me all that much. I tried to find the best solution, went to the Dealer and was sold this stove with the assurances it was going to meet or exceed my wants. Not so much. To be really clear, I shopped for capability, not price.
I am annoyed by the design decision that put the Cat housing lower down than the top of the door, as I have expressed. Now, I dunno what you think of that, but I am of the opinion that this qualifies as "Feedback" from a customer. As I stated in my original post, I wouldn't mind actually hearing what thoughts the fellow from Blaze King itself, has to say, either on the forum, or in private.
Despite the preponderance of cheery and sunshiny reviews, it does appear, that this particular model and make, is possibly not going to be suitable for my wants, so I am saying so, looking for possible solutions to what is happening, and trying to ascertain whether the issue is me and my expectations, a basic misunderstanding of the operations of this stove, the physical infrastructure, or if I was fed a line of poo and shuffled out the door by a sales dude, rather than being told straight out that they didn't have what I was actually looking for.
So, whether you have a vested interest in the Brand, or are just playing the Fan-Boy role, I dunno. I have been given some pretty good leads to follow up on, and will come back with numbers regarding the Moisture Content as well as the Manometer readings, as soon as I am able.