Minister of Fire
I am not intimately familiar with your model, I am sure there are others in the forum that are.... That said, here is what I think,That's the whole thing, I don't have secondary air control as it's controlled by a thermostatic coil that no one understands what it actually does. and not sure exactly what it does.
- A best I can tell from exploded parts diagrams the Encore model 0028 has a bimetal coil that controls your secondary air. YOU can't control it (like the primary air) it only responds to the cat temp.
- When the cat gets hot it should start restricting the air flow to keep cat temps in line. I do not know what is is supposed to control to, but I am guessing somewhere around 1200F.
- The bimetal coil is not going to react quickly it will take some time for it to adjust. If you are seeing short spikes to 1300-1400F but it comes down in 10-20 minutes that seems pretty normal to me. (again I have no experience with your stove, just my feelings here)
- If cats temps are hanging at over 1300-1400 for a long time maybe the control is allowing too much secondary air in.
- Can you see the secondary air damper? Does it close when the cat gets hot? Sounds like it is closing.... If not then the maybe the bimetal is failed or the damper is hanging up.
- If it is moving is there a way to adjust it so it is more closed?
- If not maybe you can block part of the secondary inlet? Pretty sure this topic has been discussed in years past. Search past years VC-Owner-Threads.
- Another thought: On my stove if I run the primary too cold I get a really smokey fire and the cat goes ballistic with all the smoke. In this situation increasing the primary air will sometimes bring my cat temps down. My griddle likes to be around 400 -500F. The glass is a telltale sign, when I run too cold it will get loaded up with black sticky creosote.
- Closing the air down too fast commonly results in back puffs, that is a well known behavior. The solution is to bring the air down a little at a time. I adjust mine in 25% increments and that usually works... but not always.
- If your cat is rocketing up to temp when you engage it maybe you are waiting too long? Try engaging the cat earlier?
- The other issue I always check for is leaks around the glass. I found the glass retention screws on my stove loosen over time and when I toque them back up things calm down, sometimes....
- Not surprised no one a VC can help you. I suspect anybody who knew anything about wood stoves left many years ago, probably in one of the many sales of the company. I have tried seeking their assistance too and got nothing. You will find much more expertise on this forum.