Question. I had my end-of-season creo-crisping fire last week (full box of 14% pine - I created some giant clinkers

Brushing the firebox now, and preparing it for summer storage.
I have the following question: when I brush behind the steel plate heat shield, the crud falls on and behind the top of the standing bricks.
-Is that an issue (leaving it there)? After all, the idea was to get most of the creosote away from the steel firebox wall.
I tried removing the side bricks to clean behind them with my shopvac, but after trying for 45 minutes I am unsuccessful in getting the bricks out. Ashes and crisp creosote crumbs have more or less locked them in place, due to friction both to their sides as well as to the bottom brick and to the firebox wall.
My manual does not show the exact location of the bricks with respect to each other, but from what I can see, the wall bricks go to the side of the floor bricks. I.e. the floor bricks go in between the left and right wall bricks, not under them.
I presume I should lift up a brick in the center of the side walls, and then tilt the bottom towards the center of the firebox and slide it out? How does one do that, without having grip on that (center) brick.
The front brick of the left side wall leaves a bit of a gap in the corner (the right wall does not), but I don't seem to be able to wiggle it out either.
So, if I should clean the creosote crumbs from behind the bricks, how do I start. Which brick do I take out first, and which movement do I make it have to get it out?
Any help is appreciated.