I've decided to sell some firewood, about 20 cords or so. I put an ad on Craigslist, $265 a cord + $10 fuel charge for dry wood cut in the 16-18" range. The wood is actually dry. The first day or two, I received about 6 or 7 calls for firewood. I wasn't expecting so many calls so I stopped the ad. I'm trying to pace myself.
In the last couple of days, I've loaded up my truck bed and trailer with 2 cords three times. I might be a bit overloaded because things get a little squirrely when I get up to 55 mph. Naturally, I'm getting most of my calls from people 40 miles away. I think I'll take the backroads from now on. So far I've sold, 2.5 cords of white pine (not sure exactly what kind), 1 cord mixed (Siberian Elm, Ash, Russian Olive, Ponderosa Pine, & Honey Locust), and 2.5 cords of Lodgepole Pine.
I have 1 cord going to someone 40 miles away. I asked him what kind of stove he has? He said he is in a school bus with a small stove. I asked if he wanted smaller pieces? I told him I would give him a discount for many of those unstackable short hardwood pieces that I have too many of - he agreed. Lucky me.