Alright, work done today. All removals..... 1st tree was an ash. Looked like it died out. If not, it wasn't far from it. About 50-60'tall, single pick, and cut at the base. I love single picks. Either a full day of them or when they're first. I don't have to wear my gaffs.

2nd was a box elder of 4 leaders and all were joined at the base. Not very tall, and more single picks.
Gaffs on and on to the next trees. 2 huge cottonwoods. 36'', or better, in diameter at the base. Easily 90'tall with sprawling canopies. Crane was still parked in the driveway and these were out back. Averaged 80-90' away from the turret. Left the stalks standing and one horizontal-ish leader. Stalks are still 60-70' standing. Had to relocate crane in the back yard to keep going.
This is were the rest of the day went sour. Once out back the crane got stuck, on a grade, one tire in a big divot, and an inch of snow to make things slick. Jacked the crane up with it's outriggers and slid mats under the tires. Continued backing up and got it in position, set up, and stabilized with the outriggers. Took a chunk of big wood leader out of the closest to crane. Needed room to swing the boom for the rest of job. Horizontal leader in the same tree was next.
Things went south again. For those who don't know, I have a bad hip that I favor. Balance can be hard at times. Rode the ball out near the end of leader. About 20' shy of dangling over the neighborhood's primary power lines. Choked with two straps and headed back to the stalk.
@Dieselhead , next time LOL, I'll snap a pic for you of the next scenario. As I'm heading back, and trying to keep my balance, snow flurries kick in. A minute later, it's a snow squall with some gusty winds..... 🤬. Thankfully they ended halfway back but, not before making things slick. Meanwhile my climbing line had gotten tangled in some brush, making it more of a PITA. So now, as I'm inching my way backwards, I finally get back to the stalk. Now I need to get my flip line, (waist tied lanyard), around this big wood. Probably 28-30''dia. What a PITA again. Still holding onto my climbing rope, I get my flip line around the branch's base. I finally get situated after I had someone tie on my spare lanyard. I pull it up to me and get it around the big wood, still holding on to my climbing line. Make a good cut and everything went away sooth as silk. Crane OP sent the ball back to me to bring me back to earth.
Tomorrow we finish up the two cotton woods, and there's a red maple with about 5 picks total to do also. Crane will leave from there to set an AC unit on a building while the rest of us start the next job. crane will catchup to us after. I have no clue what this job entails. What a day. Trying to get caught up here at home now at 20 to 12am. The laundry room was finally free and I'm doing mine. I've been tending the wood furnace since I got home, and catching up here on Hearth.
Sorry for the long post. I wanted to paint a picture in your minds ..... since I didn't take any selfies.
See you all here tomorrow. Same bat time. Same bat channel.