What's your favorite BEER?

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Current newish discovery:
Lagunitas Hairy Eyeball. It is a November release that phases out in the spring. Really nice stuff.
[Hearth.com] What's your favorite BEER?
We are lucky around here
Perth Brewery makes a Fantastic IPA
Aston Pub and there Amber ale
But my favorite is Lug Tread Lager By Beaus
(broken image removed)
Old Speckled Hen.......it's an English beer which reminds you of a best bitters in a British pub. It comes in cans with that foolish fizzy contraption in the can. Best to avoid the cans and stick to this beer in bottles. It's widely available in Canada and the States. Also, Quidi Vidi Brewery in Newfoundland came out with an IPA last summer which is excellent. The best I've had. Unfortunately, it's only available on the Rock.

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I have never drank Old Speckled Hen from a bottle. Always from the can. I will keep my eyes open for it.
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Current newish discovery:
Lagunitas Hairy Eyeball. It is a November release that phases out in the spring. Really nice stuff.
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ok this violates the entire principle of all these great reviews, but I'd buy that beer just for the name alone. Actually I could probably say that about most of the beers mentioned in this thread. How do these guys come up with these cool names?
I like paulaner ( hope that's how it's spelled ) and weinstephaner(all of them). Blue moon ain't bad and neither is shock top honey apple
Current newish discovery:
Lagunitas Hairy Eyeball. It is a November release that phases out in the spring. Really nice stuff.
Been drinking that one a few years. Very tasty, but several of us have noticed some undesirable side effects. Others may have trouble being in the same room with you, the evening after enjoying one of those for lunch. Hell... you might chase yourself out of the room, if you know what I mean.

I like paulaner ( hope that's how it's spelled ) and weinstephaner(all of them).
You are on the right path, these being the "gateway beers", to some really great stuff. Now it's time to move to the deep end. Check out some of the Trappist / Belgian ales I recommended earlier in this thread. Bring your wallet.
Very tasty, but several of us have noticed some undesirable side effects.
Hmmm...the only undesirable effect I have noticed is that I tip over more frequently.
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i love old speckled hen to but I don't find it often. I generally like brown ales though my fave is Brooklyn brown but Newcastle is a good easy to find stand by.
We are lucky around here
Perth Brewery makes a Fantastic IPA
Aston Pub and there Amber ale
But my favorite is Lug Tread Lager By Beaus
(broken image removed)

Separated at birth???? See my post on page 5!
Around here you can get some "beer 30". Tastes a lot like Miller. Wouldn't be surprised if it was the stuff that didn't pass the Miller taste test
Another beer thread? I don't have the energy to repeat everything I wrote in last falls thread, but in general.. If its from Der Vaterland... I like it.
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Wouldn't be surprised if it was the stuff that didn't pass the Miller taste test
I'd be very surprised if they had a taste test. There's no way they'd be shipping that crap to stores, if they had any idea how bad it tastes.
Made our first cream ale last weekend. It's in the brew vat now. Should be drinkable after the middle of next month. A nut brown ale is the next in the queue.
I love dark beer.

I love guiness, specially in colder part of the year, but it´s expensive here at 10$ for 4 cans. Same with kilkenny wich I like a lot, but too expensive for daily drink ( I usually drink 1 beer a day with my dinner). So right now It´s mostly Rickards Red or Boréal Rousse depending wich one is on special at the grocery store. Now and then I am getting a 24 case of taster pack from sleeman. Most other taster packs from other company have white beer, and I dońt like white beer. There is a few good micro brewery around here with a good variety of beers, but at 5$ a bottle I dońt buy them too often. And I always have a few dozen of coors light for friends anf familly ( i foind it to be tasteless, same with bud) but it´s cheap and most of my friends prefer it over my "tasty" stuff.

I will have coors or bud after a long hot day outside when I am really thirsty and need to drink someting within 1 minute, or when partying I can have more of that light stuff and feel better the next morrning comparing when drinking the same quantity of rich dark tasty beer. But I am getting older ans I can coun't on my hands the number of time per year that I have more than 2 beer a day, and my 2 beer a day is usuallly week-end cause i'll have one with my lunch.
I love guiness, specially in colder part of the year, but it´s expensive here at 10$ for 4 cans.
Same price here. Just bought a case on Tuesday, and it was the cheapest case in my shopping cart.
I've been enjoying Sam's Rebel IPA lately.
back in '68 Pabst paid my second semester tuition ($250.00).nice thing about it , it was total surprise. I never applied for it, they just took a grade average and gave the monies to the hotel school @ umass. felt obligated for a while, much prefer lighter beers at an older age. have a day, a memorial day. thanks to those that gave it all.