What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

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Oak, maple and a little ash this morning.


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  • [Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
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17 outside. House was 64 and furnace kicked on. Quick top start of maple and oak brought up temp to 67. Added a very large elm splintered split on top of the hot load since want to keep the heat going. STT 650.
The oak of last night 10 pm is done. I had ran it a bit hotter and it was a nice 71 upstairs when I exited the bedroom. It was 17 then with a wind chill of 3.
21 outside now, going up to 29 today.
A load of spruce now.
-1 with wind chill in the negative double digits. Second load of the day just went in. Coals pushed to the sides and 3 bigger chunks of shoulder season wood in the middle. Got distracted and set off the flue alarm for a few seconds... Oops. Getting a little filtered sunlight. Upstairs is up to 65.
Up to 2 above. 3rd load of the day, another small shoulder season load. Small pine and aspen loads run hot and air a little more open don't last long. Sun is still helping a little, but it's only 66 upstairs. Hoping to get the temperature up and some ash out later...
Getting some melting finally at 28 outside temp. Feels warm out! Keeping downstairs at 75 and upstairs at 71. Reloads have been some lower BTU stuff like some maples and cherrys. Also cut down number of splits to 4 on reloads.
Ha ha. Yes I bet it would. Here we say it is freezing cold out. I don't know how you people do it with these temperatures in the single digits and negatives.
Wear outdoor cloths indoors.
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I thought/hoping I was done for season last week. Nope. Went top shelf, live oak, dogwood and some maple. I will light the basement stove tonight
House got too warm plus I knew I was cooking dinner. Let STT drop way down to 200. Had just enough coals to get things going again. Oak, maple and elm. STT 650 teens tonight.
The spruce from this morning is done.28 out now, going down to 16.
71 upstairs and a reload of red oak and black locust.


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Currently 5 and rather windy. Was able to keep the heaters from kicking in overnight with my typical ash, beech and ironwood load. Ash, birch and shoulder season wood going now. Will see around 20 today with sun. Deep freeze looks to be over, after tonight temperature looks to stay in the double digits. Looking to get ash under control over the next few days.