What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

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in the northwest, North Carolina foothills...
it's been 20°F below normal, seasonal average temps for January....bringing average temperature of 35F...

It's 8pm EST, outside it's 30F with a steady 8mph wind with forecast low of 17F.

The Fisher Grandpa Bear's has a few odd and ugly maple of unknown type, rock hard and spalted, then a Red Oak wedge, a Beech log about 6"x18 and some Red Oak bark thick as heck to light it off up front....

This is getting two sizable Red Oak wedges for the overnight around midnight as I leave Grandpa on night duty.

the shaggy, grey grizzled bear ripped apart some downed small trees, and dug into the embankment for no reason, down below the bare trees by the frozen edges of the river...
20 degrees out 74 and going to climb hard soon. Second burn of the day filled with oak. Funny how every load burns different. Some are nice and tame some are a little more rowdy. Always learning.
So I'm not the only one who feels like he's dealing with Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at times...?
So I'm not the only one who feels like he's dealing with Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at times...?
Last season definitely applied for me! Now I can usually tell when a load is going to be hotter than usual, especially by sound. if I get the air down early I can keep it under control. I find N/S loads easier to control than E/W, both starting and controlling the burn rate.
At 5 pm this mornings 9 am pine load was done. I added a locust ugly and two short pine sticks. After that I added one pine split over the locust coals.

Now its time for more oak. Mostly white, a little bit of red.

Added a hand full of splitting trash as not much coals left.


  • [Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
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Well, I’ve continued building a cold start every day between 1400-2000 and letting it extinguish itself every early morning…it’s cold inside, mid-low 50s in the lounge and the fire keeps elec cost down

Currently warming up after a cold start of my typical mix
Just put on a split of beech
I suppose I should add that all the house members work from home; so we are here all day

all our "offices" here have electric heat
The basement temp started out at 75 with both temps up here at 68, all the temps dropped a bit when I was burning down coals. The overnight load has six beech with two maple splits. The outside temperature is 9.1 tonight.
Loaded up all red oak tonight. Nice bed of coals going. Currently 21 with a wind chill of 9. Supposed to get down to mid teens tonight with wind chills below 5. Currently 71 in the main rooms. See y’all on the flip side.


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  • [Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
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After a coal fest of blue flame to ashes, I shoveled out what I could and stirred again. More coals started glowing for a reload of shorts and uglies. That load went for 4 hrs. The overnight will be red oak again. A bit of white and a split or 2 of black locust. There maybe a hunk of sugar maple I'll add too. Found some beech splits earlier. I put them aside.
Could not sleep so figure I better reload the stove. STT 250 with some oak coals left from earlier this evening. 20 outside temp and 72 on the main floor. Loaded with large oak splits and one cherry.
Loaded up the stove with all red oak before work today. It should carry the house most of the day. Stove was still 250 after about 8 hours. 71 inside when I woke up. Outside temp was 18 with a wind chill of 9 when I loaded the stove this morning.


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We had a low of 1.9 this morning, the furnace kicked on so I'm not sure of what the temps were from the overnight fire. I burned down some coals before adding five splits of maple. I'll be taking out ashes today but before that happens, I have a date with the snowblower and the tractor.
10 degrees with a breeze. Woke up at 5 opened the air and stirred things up then went back to bed. Slept in and the house temps are down but the coals are manageable. 3/4 hardwood load in with ash and embers to one side. I'm hoping to keep up with ash removal AND keep temperatures up. I do NOT want to spend 2 days in a row burning bark to get caught up on ash.
Got up a bit after 6 and checked my phone. Work was called off due to weather. :) I could use the coin but I'll enjoy that grin.
Through a handful of maple splits in the furnace, hard and soft maples. Went back to sleep. Got up 2 hrs later for coffee and feed the dragon. Stuffed her full of more maple, apple, and cherry. House is at a decent temp but the drafts are wafting through.