What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

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3rd average sized load, for me, went in the dragon since I've been home. All average hardwoods and a split or 2 of soft maple.
Will do an overnight of oak again. I'll put that on top of a few ash, sugar, cherry, and apple. Have red and white oaks, black and honey locusts, and pignut and shagbark hickories. I'll stick with the oak for now. Also have some beech laying around somewhere.
It's 9.5 out tonight, the basement temp is starting out at 77 with the temps up here 68 & 69. The overnight load has five splits of beech, four on the bottom row with 3 splits of ironwood filling out the top row.
Always love your soup pics! I made my venison chili yesterday in the cast iron Dutch oven. Family loves it!
Maybe next I'll make some homemade tomato soup with some grilled cheese sandwiches, that should taste good. . I did tell the wife that two pine will need to come down soon so my cooking streak might stop...........maybe!
Inside temps were starting to drop so about 6 I stopped burning bark, sifted some more ash to one side, and ran a 3/4 shoulder season load. Just took the side ash out and put in the overnight load of 4 ash, 1 beech and 2 ironwood. Tomorrow I will probably go back to burning down coals and removing ash again. Currently 14 with a real feel of -1, tomorrow morning will be 10 with a real feel of -18.
More oak. 19 out 75 in. Amazing how some loads are great and some are disappointing. I think the last load I put in was the best for the year so far. Lit up super fast, 2 hours of normal secondaries . Secondaries are still running but the flame is almost totally blue. 580STT. Loaded on a hotter bed than normal. Maybe I will try loading on a hot bed more often.
Currently 21 with a wind chill of 9 with a forecasted low of 14 and windchill about 0. Loaded with mostly red oak, some ash and a piece of maple for the night. ‘Night everyone.


  • [Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
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I was up around 530 this am with our dog who isnt doing too well, so coffee was a bit early today. The overnight oak load is still going well. House at 71 and the temp outside is in the teens with wind. I never got to reload the wood racks yesterday with the snow falling so that’s on this mornings agenda. It’s going to be bitter with the wind so I’ll have to gear up more than usual.
17 this morning, could not wait to light the stove. Emptied some ash. Large oak and elm on the bottom and two smaller oak and one ash on top. Cruising at 650 STT.
We had a low of 9.3 this morning with three inches of new snow, it's still coming down. The furnace kicked on this morning so I'm not sure what the actual temps were from the wood heat. The first load of the day was some soft maple burning east to west, just some longer splits I'm getting rid of.
I was up around 530 this am with our dog who isnt doing too well, so coffee was a bit early today. The overnight oak load is still going well. House at 71 and the temp outside is in the teens with wind. I never got to reload the wood racks yesterday with the snow falling so that’s on this mornings agenda. It’s going to be bitter with the wind so I’ll have to gear up more than usual.
Sorry to hear about the dog not doing well. We have 2 nearly 12 year old black lab mixes.

Reloaded about 8 this morning. 13 outside with a wind chill close to 0. Cold and wind continues today, only supposed to be mid 20s for high. 70 in the house when I woke up, the oak did well last night. Reloaded with red oak and ash, with a couple of cut offs.


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So that oak load lasted 11 hrs. It was 18 F this morning with a real feel of 3. Howling wind.

Upstairs was 68 at its coldest time at 6 am

Reloaded now with pine; a bit earlier than I'd otherwise do, temps upstairs were starting to drop and it won't get out of freezing today and the wind persists.
I do loose a lot more heat when the wind blows. (Wall insulation is not that good, even if the air sealing is.)


  • [Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
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Full shoulder season load this morning. 13 degrees and breezy, but my stupid weather app says real feel is 15...NOT! Sun is out so should be getting pretty good solar gains when it burns down so I can burn bark and get ash out again today. Coldest day of the week tomorrow and tomorrow night, but not nearly as bad as it was a couple of weeks ago.
Got up this morning at 7. Immediately went down into the lair to feed the dragon. Greeted by a nice sized coal bed of red oak and black locust. Breakfast consisted of soft maple splits. Made use of the coals and the second load of soft maple went in a half hour ago. This time it's packed in. Current temps are 15* with a real feel of -10*. I never checked temps when I first got up.

Hoping tomorrows work day is called off. Supposed to have the same weather and winds. Nasty day to be climbing trees, crane or not.
Our lucky streak of years without snowstorms ran out yesterday on MD's Eastern Shore. Got a foot of the d#$% stuff....19deg. this morning in the woods with some wind that is picking up. Too pooped out last night to load up, went to bed with a dying fire and 400stt. Heat came on at setup time, 530a, rats, only a few coals, so did a regular cold start on the F45 with red and white oak, Now 71.2 inside, 22 outside, all is well accept for the aggravation of the snow that will last all week with sub freezing temps. Thankfully my 65 mile one way commutes are a thing of the past, woulda been fun yesterday and this morning getting to work NOT....
Sorry to hear about the dog not doing well. We have 2 nearly 12 year old black lab mixes.

Reloaded about 8 this morning. 13 outside with a wind chill close to 0. Cold and wind continues today, only supposed to be mid 20s for high. 70 in the house when I woke up, the oak did well last night. Reloaded with red oak and ash, with a couple of cut offs.

Not to get off topic but sad when they go. Had two English Springer Spaniels when I got married. Amazing hunting dogs and we’re great with the kids when they were born. Lots of great memories with them. They lived to about 14-15. When one passed, months later the other did. Enjoyed them, dogs are more loyal than most humans.
Yup. More oak, thick oak. Light at 8am at 11:15am 590STT and secondaries still firing well. Seasoned oak, good draft. Im finding a hotter bed and two tiny strips of E/W kindling below my N/S splits gets it fired much better. Might be the wood its coming in between 18-20%. I bet if it was all 18% it would be better.
Full load of soft maples. Well....full as in one single stack up to the top. Comfy in the house and nasty, cold, and windy out.
Got a half cord load of splits in the pickup, backed up to the basement doors. Loaded yesterday evening. No desire to go out there LOL.
But I have to....
Well, I’ve continued building a cold start every day between 1400-2000 and letting it extinguish itself every early morning…it’s cold inside, mid-low 50s in the lounge and the fire keeps elec cost down

Currently warming up after a cold start of my typical mix
Just put on a split of beech
I have been over shooting the temps Im not crying if it hits 76 inside. Gives me time to start burning coals early while letting it drop.
Been trying, not succeeding until yesterday and today. Been too cold and windy. Pretty confident I'll get it good today. Starting Thursday we are supposed to get close to 30 for 5 days which will allow more regular ash removal.
Been trying, not succeeding until yesterday and today. Been too cold and windy. Pretty confident I'll get it good today. Starting Thursday we are supposed to get close to 30 for 5 days which will allow more regular ash removal.
For me overnight is the worst for coals. Want it turned down for a slow 10 hour burn, but then come to lots of larger coals in the morning. Need to make a attachment that will slowly open your air during the night.
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Went to reload and strong wind gust came and got a nice backdraft of smoke in my face! Well smells like a Maine hunting cabin in my house now 😂. I’m sure wife will be happy when she gets home from work. First time that happened. All good now. 3 oak splits E/W and a very large cherry split diagonal across the top. House temp 72.