What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

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We got home around 530 yesterday, put some beech and big ash splits loaded NS to set me up for my 11ish reload…that I slept right through. More tired than I thought I was. Boiler carried the load for the night at 65. Woke up this morning and loaded up with birch and black cherry. Still had good coals this morning, stove was still very warm. Beech coals seem to stay the hottest, the longest out of anything I have burned.


  • [Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
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Beech coals seem to stay the hottest, the longest out of anything I have burned.
Ironwood is the only one I've had that coals better, although honey locust is pretty close. I don't get a ton of either, so when I get some it's a welcome addition to the woodpile. I won't live here when all that honey locust I got is ready to burn which is a bummer.

34 degrees and foggy. Fog and rain for the foreseeable future with temperatures in the 30's & 40's. Likely looking at 3/4 combo fires during the days and 3/4 to full hardwood fires overnights depending on how warm the house is. Nice coals firing up right now, ash and aspen going in shortly. 68 downstairs and 67 upstairs currently.
Got up at 4am for a reload. Hardwoods of ash, sugar, and cherry. Switched to soft maples at 7am. 8:30 am the dragon got a mix of everything listed above. Mid 20s out again, and the house has been warmed.
Got up at 7:30 stove was cold since house was too hot when I went to bed between cooking and the fire so did not reload. Furnace kicked in at 64. Upper 20’s so loaded with some bigger splits of elm, cherry and oak. House 70 now. STT 600
Yesterday's load from 9 pm was done at 4 pm today, so 19 hrs.
I burned down some coals a few times with some maple bark once, a split of pine and a 6"*6"*6" oak shorty, and one more time with that, and then with another split of pine and two oak shorties to extend the time until reload now

The high was 35 today. It's 27 now, the forecast low is 20.
Upstairs is 71.

Now a reload with red oak shorties.


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Going down to 14 tonight. Loaded up with a massive split of red oak on top of a massive split of ash which took up the whole back. Followed by two smaller splits of ash one white oak split and another red oak split to completely fill the box. Dry wood on a hot bed of coals took off before I could shut the door.

[Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
Our outside temp tonight is 19.4 heading down to 0 if Accu is correct, the basement temp is starting off at 75 with the temps up here 68 & 69. The wood stove has three longer maple splits (east/west load) in it, tomorrow I'll be taking out some ashes.
Getting down into the low teens tonight. Nice coal bed is built up in the dragon's belly with some ash and sugar shorties. Burned through most of the soft maple today. It's out of the way for more hardwood in the lair. There is some more soft maple and river birch in a rear stack along the wall. That's waiting for the spring shoulder.

I'm feeding hardwoods moderately, like a large wood stove. Leaving much unused space in the firebox, save spreading coals.
I am reflecting on the overnight load... House is still 70. Outside is 37 and temperature is rising. Stove is down to coals. Leaning towards a 3/4 load of shoulder season wood with maybe a piece of hardwood to hopefully have some salvageable coals in the morning...?
17 out this morning. Loaded about a half ish load of birch and black cherry, supposed to warm up to 42 today, then the mini splits will take over for the next week or so, warm spell coming, then temps supposed to plummet again. Work day today.


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Woke up to charred fiery splits. GF beat me to the Dragons breakfast. 10* out Just a tad chilly in the house. Low 60s.
I was up 2am ish for a feeding of mixed hardwoods.
Just reloaded 3 aspen, 1 ash & 1 sugar maple on the weak coals from the load of 4 aspen & 1 ash 12 hours ago. Had a showing and didn't want the house too hot, so I waited until now. Temps aren't bad with the mild calm weather. This load will probably be good to get to the overnight load.
Some elm limb rounds at the moment. They were a curb score from down the street. No bark on them and very dry and dense. I had about half of the length hanging out the back of my Subaru hatchback as I drove the three blocks back to my house to buck it up on my miter saw. They are burning great and coaling nicely, I am kind of a fan.
We had 13.2 this morning, the temps up here were 66 but we set the furnace last night. I planned on cleaning the pipe this morning which I did. The first load is all beech, we'll have some nice coals for the second fire.
Some elm limb rounds at the moment. They were a curb score from down the street. No bark on them and very dry and dense. I had about half of the length hanging out the back of my Subaru hatchback as I drove the three blocks back to my house to buck it up on my miter saw. They are burning great and coaling nicely, I am kind of a fan.
I love burning Siberian Elm. Splitting it is another story! Seriously, have to be careful to avoid injury
I have a fair bit yet to be cut and split...I'm seriously considering ripping it rather than split
On a good sized bed of coals, a large load of my usual hardwood mix. Not as conservative this time. I only stacked the center of fire box, as usual, but twice the amount of splits. A handful of shorts, up front, leaning in as well. Stoveliker style.

Low tonight of 22* and I had slacked off a bit feeding the ole girl. Time to ramp it back up.
I used six 8" long oak shorties and a thin pine split today after last night's load was done.

It's 32 outside, upstairs it's 71. The forecast is a low of 31 early tonight after which it'll warm up a bit to 36 or so. Tomorrow 48 and rainy. Warm at least until Wednesday (two days of 55!), so the stove will go cold and solar electrons will be burned in the minisplit.


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We have an outside temp of 20.6 tonight, the basement temp is starting out at 73 with both temps up here 69. The overnight load is four splits of beech on the bottom row, three rounds of Ironwood with one split of Maple on the top row.
The fog has been pretty consistent here since November and today is very no solar all fog

RealFeel is low 30sF/ Or hovering at around 0°C...mid to low 50s/10-15C throughout the dwelling and a mid-morning Zoom with family across the globe (Australia & France) had me lighting up the little Panadero earlier than I've be doing this year

As per usual, Chestnut/ White Oak/ Siberian Elm with apple and poplar kindling
currently humming along at about 10% open air intake...I got no idea about real actual temps
We had an outside temp of 28.6 this morning, the basement temp started out at 72 with both temps up here 67. The first load was all Maple this morning, pretty much all Soft Maple.
The cat is dropping out of the active range now. 23 hrs after the reload; it ran low and slow today as it was up to 50. (And cloudy, foggy, drizzle...)