Feeling the Heat
@Stelcom66 This cherry is about 2 years. Does feel quite hard handling it, It is very nice stuff. It’s black cherry.
It would be have been fine to use after a year I think.
We get a lot of black cherry here. It is one of my favorites, because of how good it smells when it burns. Often what we get is a tree that was cut because it was not doing well, or fence line trees from a farm. I find black cherry to be the one species where we most commonly see carpenter ants. Not a problem now that my wood is always seasoned.
There was a time, before I knew what I was doing, where I would burn a lot of unseasoned wood. One time I got up in the night to throw more wood on the fire and found hundreds of ants on the floor that I had to vacuum up. I had brought some wood in earlier that day in preparation for a cold night, and they must have come out of the wood when it thawed. That was close to 20 years ago.
As long as it is dry when you bring it in the house, you should not see ants in your wood.