What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

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Brings up an interesting question. If doing smaller loads does it matter how you load? You loaded mostly in the back of your stove. I typically keep it level from front to back and just don’t stack as high.
Does it make any difference?
Not for me as my stove regulates on heat output.

I loaded the way I did out of habit; rake coals forward and fill (normally n/s) to the gills. There were some bigger chunks left of my starting fire that heats up the basement, and that together with thee/w loading ended up this way.
Topped of at 40 today, headed to 20. Been pulling pine uglies and tossing a couple in at a time. Stove been low cruising choked down and cats running low but active.

Re-plumbed the drain lines from my furnace into a line running to the septic tank so it won't freeze. Last year, first winter, when it hit 5 the outdoor drain froze up and the only heat was the wood stove. They don't know cold down here. I can at least leave the place now and know the heat will run.
A split of silver maple, ash, ash, and more ash. About 8 splits total. Nice bed of coals. Not to many, and not sparse. The GF fed in a handful of splits while I was out. They were all charred and coaling.
Never got around to posting but never added any wood after evening fire. Woke up at 630 to 66. Loaded the stove with medium sized load before work with mostly cherry and a piece of birch. I’m sure my wife won’t be loading it tonight without me home.


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  • [Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
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Topped of at 40 today, headed to 20. Been pulling pine uglies and tossing a couple in at a time. Stove been low cruising choked down and cats running low but active.

Re-plumbed the drain lines from my furnace into a line running to the septic tank so it won't freeze. Last year, first winter, when it hit 5 the outdoor drain froze up and the only heat was the wood stove. They don't know cold down here. I can at least leave the place now and know the heat will run.
You may want to consider adding a neutralizer to that furnace drain line, the drain products from gas furnaces are quite nasty. Hopefully your septic tank/ septic tank piping doesn't have any metal in it, the draining products eat metal surprisingly fast.
I added some more maple, a 6" dia 4" thick dogwood cookie, and a 1.5" thick 11" dia sycamore cookie as we had to leave the home.
Another full load of shoulder season wood after some running around this afternoon will get me to the overnight load. Basement temperature is recovering quickly but the upstairs is going to be a while with the wind... Running hotter than normal trying to get the house temps up and be ready for the hardwood load later.
You may want to consider adding a neutralizer to that furnace drain line, the drain products from gas furnaces are quite nasty. Hopefully your septic tank/ septic tank piping doesn't have any metal in it, the draining products eat metal surprisingly fast.
Woody, good point I hadn't thought about. It's all PVC so I should be good. In reality it won't be running much, it's a back up for a heat pump and if we are here we are burning wood instead of propane.
I burn a decent amount of that kind of pine. Dead fall stuff a couple of years dead. About the only time I'm on oak is overnight loads.
I used to throw out all pine. But now i'm slowly converting to burning some. This was from a tree in my yard.
Had a fire this morning to warm things up and let it die out. 34 now dropping to 28. House is 69 so lit the stove again with mostly maple, and a split of oak and elm and good cutoffs for the gaps. A lot of cold starts but I actually like it.
Blue flames in the Quaker. Burning sugar maple at 700 stove pipe probe temperature.

[Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

I was doing some testing. I wanted to see if the magnetic thermometer on the single wall stove pipe read half of what the probe reads. That is the rule of thumb, after all.

So, I dialed the Quaker in to 700 degrees and kept it at 700 for about 10 minutes. Well, more like 25 now.

I found that at about 3" above the probe, so 21" from the stove top, the magnetic reads half of what the probe says.

[Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
Blue flames in the Quaker. Burning sugar maple at 700 stove pipe probe temperature.

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I was doing some testing. I wanted to see if the magnetic thermometer on the single wall stove pipe read half of what the probe reads. That is the rule of thumb, after all.

So, I dialed the Quaker in to 700 degrees and kept it at 700 for about 10 minutes. Well, more like 25 now.

I found that at about 3" above the probe, so 21" from the stove top, the magnetic reads half of what the probe says.

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You had me at blue....
It's 27.9 out tonight, I'm burning down a small load of pine before the overnight load. The basement temp was 77 heading up with the temps up here 69 & 71.

The overnight load will be a mix of cherry & pine.
2 ironwood rounds, 1 mongo beech split and 4 ash splits for the overnight load. Got the upstairs up to 66 with the earlier load, but this wind is killing me. 17 degrees with single digit real feel now, will be about 10 in the morning with below zero real feel. I AM NOT going out hunting in the morning!
Tonight's low is forecasted for 25* and it's already at 26. Burning mostly ash for it is primarily what I have in the basement. House is warm but I do feel some drafts in this 200yr old farmhouse. I'll be tending the furnace with more ash throughout the night in between sleep. My good hardwoods are outside under snow.
2 ironwood rounds, 1 mongo beech split and 4 ash splits for the overnight load. Got the upstairs up to 66 with the earlier load, but this wind is killing me. 17 degrees with single digit real feel now, will be about 10 in the morning with below zero real feel. I AM NOT going out hunting in the morning!
And it's only the end of Nov. Silver lining says it's only 3 months till Mar.

Real feel here is 2*
A partial reload on a lot of crunchy pieces. Red oak shorties.
37 outside, a low of 32, inside upstairs is a balmy 72.
Just added more splits half hour ago. Black and white ash, a slit of black cherry, and a large half round of apple. It's actually split in half but the lazy kid barely let the splitter contact the piece, and never split it apart. It's only cracked open. The ends are checkered well and it took right off when i tossed it in on the coals. That's the overnight load. If someone feels cold later, they can get up and do something about it. LOL.

Time for some much needed shut eye. Past couple days has tired me out.
Good night all.
Woke up could not sleep. House 68 downstairs 20’s outside.Had a small amount of coals from 10pm fire. STT about 275 fan still moving. Added 6 splits of various species and a few chunks with a piece of fatwood. Cruising nicely.
Finally FIRE, coals & a mix of mostly ash, some yellow birch, some maple, some elm.
It was so warm all fall, like a really long shoulder season, I would light a fire each morning but that was about it. Now with temps dropping to 20s during the day, teens at night we are finally able to really keep a nice fire going ;)