What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

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Got up to a load of coals. I did visit the ole girl before I went to bed. Tossed 2 big ash splits on top., and closed the draft down a bit more.
Added in some more ash, a piece of cherry, and some soft maple. Furnace is cruising at operating temps with no effort.
20 when I got up and made coffee. Loving the beech. Mixed load last night of big beech splits on the coals and oak on top. 8 hours later huge coal bed it cats still at 800. 4 pine branches about 3" with open intake and the cats spiked and setted at 1200. Girl's in her happy place now.

Me too. Fire, coffee and sun shining in. Gonna go out in a while and cut some beech for my neighbor. He runs a ZC fireplace and needs some wood so the top limbs of a BIG dead stand that fell should be ready to rock.
it's 39 outside with the sun rising...high of 48 today, and arctic mass cold stationed overhead...low 22 tonight..

red oak in the back, a maple heart crotch, and beech up front...

out in the nwNC foothills, a frosted fur Fisher Grandpa Bear opened his eyes....blinked into the oncoming day......his lip drew upward, revealing matching upper fangs......he merely yawned....and got up on all fours....annoyed....
Was in the 20s overnight - water in outside dish for feral cats and an opossum was frozen. Oak burning in the stove, but unfortunately have to supplement it at times with Bio bricks. Picked up an 8' truck bed full of wood yesterday, some seasoned pine rounds, some green cherry for next year. Guy I got it from didn't want any money, glad I convinced him to take $50. He brought it from a job site to his place where we picked it up yesterday.
Loaded the stove up with some cherry and red oak on this cold Saturday.


  • [Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
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  • [Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
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At 4 I added two oak uglies/shorties and after burning that down I took out the maple ashes.
Brought in a few wheelbarrows of oak shorties into the garage rack, had my wife reload with red oak shorties.

39 high today, 34 now, low forecast of 27. Inside is 70.
Saw th first three snowflakes this . afternoon.

Traveling tomorrow morning. Back Friday early evening.
It's 26 out tonight, the basement temp is starting out at 75 with the temps up 69 & 71. The wood stove has a load of cherry in it for the overnight heat.
It's 22.1 this morning, the basement temp started off at 73 with the temps up here 68 & 69. The wood stove received a load of cherry & pine this morning, that brought the basement temp up to 77 pretty quick.
Woke up to the wife-o-meter. "It's 18* out." She was getting ready to go to work. Helping a friend with hot apple cider and doughnuts at a concession trailer.

I loaded last night with a decent number of splits. Couple were really good sized. They could have been split smaller. Total of 8 -10 splits at around 12:30. Ash, cherry, and some river birch (aka yellow birch?). This morning's greeting was a large bed of coals. Tossed in half dozenish splits of ash and more birch. After my morning coffee, I'll feed her again.
Coals were pretty modest this morning but had just enough to get things going. Silver maple is nice and dries quick burnt pretty hot but does not seem to coal particularly well.


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