What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

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Let it die down for a good part of the day. About an hour ago I stuck two maples and one oak in. 547*F in the pipe right now. 68F in the hallway on the thermostat.

[Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

[Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
Good lord, how long are you drying those massive chunks for? That is awesome
That maple is probably three years old. The oak is 2-4 years old depending on what row it came out of. The funny thing is, those splits above arnt that big. It’s just a small stove. Now, I do some decent overnights with some big ol chunks.
If it fits, it ships.

[Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

[Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
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Scraps & uglies didn't make it long enough, so I threw about 10 small 1/2"-1" hickory sticks in at about 7:00 to get me to now (8:30). 5 ash & 2 beech ramping up. Was just told I have to fast tomorrow for 8 hours before a completely unnecessary appointment that Mrs. Nick is making me go to because she already paid for it and can't get a refund 🤬.
It's 18.1 out tonight (@NickW stop sending us that chit) the basement temp started out at 77, the temps up here are 68 & 70. The wood stove has one round of ironwood in it with the rest cherry splits.
But it makes the stove run so nice I thought I'd share...
Load of oak in and off tonight. Playing a little catch up as I forgot to set the heat to on before leaving the house yesterday afternoon..
Impressive stove tetris.

Had some good coals but it's going to be "warm" today in the 32 degree range so we did a mid sized load of silver.
[Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
I just put in the last of the fall shoulder season wood. From here on out it will be mostly hickory, oak, elm until I unbury the spring shoulder wood stacked in the back.... if we get to it. Last year, wood consumption was down.

We still have have not used the furnace, aside from heating the garage zone up bit so I can do the brakes on my car in comfort.
Temperature is going to drop tonight again and we have a wind advisory starting this afternoon, so a 3/4 load of pine and aspen is in with another probably later to burn down coals and get some ash out again so I can crank hardwood for a couple of days.
My oak load did well overnight. I was using a medium+ burn rate with the fan on 25% so most of it was gobbled up by the time a 9am reload of daytime spruce went in. Core temp of house up to 69 from 62 last night, we were in the teens since about 10pm yesterday.
Late to the party...been in the 20's here but up to 37 today, down to the 20's Thurs & Fri, 40's for the weekend and down to the 20 next week. Wish it would make up its mind! Burning white oak, shagbark hickory and siberian elm and some silver maple. Walnut is further into the pile. Ash has disappeared from this area about 6 or 7 years ago. Burned a lot of it then.
Just got back from Deer hunting in the Berkshires. My wife did a great job starting and loading the stove while I was away. Just started the stove bringing house temp up from 64 to 72. Mid 30’s outside and won’t drop tonight. Will load before bed. Missed the stove while hunting in the teens.
Wife wanted some more heat (of all people!!) so I gladly threw 4 pieces of cherry in. Previous load wasn’t quite done so had to break up what was left into big coal chunks. It was 70 in the house so I was holding out trying not to overheat the house and make my wife hot but I’ll certainly oblige when asked!


  • [Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
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Giving a try to the concept of a small load started right when I get home to get a good base of coals and then packing tight for an overnight load. It's six degrees and 40 mph winds right now so I'm guessing I could probably get this done without overheating the house.

[Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?