What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

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Been mid to high 70’s this week so no fire in days. Used the mini split AC for a few nights! South facing so upstairs gets warm. Cleaned out ash and wiped stove glass. Just staged some wood indoors for the next cold snap.
Been mid to high 70’s this week so no fire in days. Used the mini split AC for a few nights! South facing so upstairs gets warm. Cleaned out ash and wiped stove glass. Just staged some wood indoors for the next cold snap.
Similar situation here. At this rate I’ll be 4 years ahead instead of 3.
Will be lighting up tonight. Dipping down into the high 30s overnight.
Planning on a couple loads of silver maple with some ash mixed in for the overnight burn.
Similar situation here. At this rate I’ll be 4 years ahead instead of 3.
Will be burning in the morning this weekend with low to mid 30’s coming.
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Will be burning in the morning this weekend with low to mid 30’s coming.
20s coming here for the weekend so I’ll definitely be burning. Had the windows opened throughout the house all day today. Front is coming through now. Finally projected some rain for Sunday. Haven’t seen that in a long time.
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20s coming here for the weekend so I’ll definitely be burning. Had the windows opened throughout the house all day today. Front is coming through now. Finally projected some rain for Sunday. Haven’t seen that in a long time.
Yah we haven’t had rain for well over a month.
Small oak fire this morning just to take the chill off.


  • [Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
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Windows open here in NJ.
I did have a few small fires last night that had the temps up here at 71, this morning we had a low of 45.1 with the temps up here at 71 & 72.

Tomorrow morning we should have a low around 29 so we'll have a few fires tonight.
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Going down to 32* tonight. Brought home a bag of wood since we've been having wind driven rain showers this evening. My stash is damp, but not soaked. Wheel barrow full down into the basement and the bagged wood will help get it going.

Actually just got upstairs from lighting the furnace. Silver maple, ash, and soft maple out of the bag. Some bagged oak, my ash, and my hard maple on deck for tonight.
The outside temp tonight is 36.1, the basement temp started out at 75 with the temps up here 70 & 71. The overnight fire is going in the Liberty, we did have a fire after supper.
38 outside this morning finally got stove going after days off with 70’s. House 64 when I got up. Smaller load of Oak ash and cutoffs. Sitting by the stove having coffee while everybody is still sleeping 😊
We had a low of 27.1 this morning, the basement started out at 70 with both temps up here at 69.
A little test fire as I reworked the thimble and piping this fall. 4 splits of maple and oak and two uglies.
All works well. I'm ready for the cold.
But it may be the second week of December before the next fire if the long term forecast is correct. Minisplit in the mean time.
Dipping down into the high 20s here too for the overnight. Started furnace around 5. Was nice and breezy this morning. My stash is already dry again. Forecast says dry for the week. Still leaving the main winter's diet outside for now. More outside air time the better. Used splits from the spring for tonight's burn. Mostly silver maple, a couple small splits of oak, and some dead ash that was split up a couple months ago. 1st floor is comfy. at about 70-72*
Wife never lit the top down I set up for her last week before I went to Utah. I’m back now and will maybe light it today as she is home and will probably ask for a fire.
Wife never lit the top down I set up for her last week before I went to Utah. I’m back now and will maybe light it today as she is home and will probably ask for a fire.
Woke up today to 30*. Forecast says, ''feels like 23.'' How's you my friend?

I know there's some coals in the furnace. Will be throwing in some silver maple, ash, and small oak splits. A nice warm up for the house before I head out for work again. Dang, I need a day off.....
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