What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

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Last night the temp finally bottomed out at 3, this morning the temp was 7.1. Before the first load the basement temp was 73, the living area was 66 & 67 with the sleeper at 66.

After burning down some coals, I loaded the wood stove up with ash.
20 this AM. Startup with oak maple and 1x large redstone brick on top. Cruising at 600 STT now.

Air shut down heading to 650.
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21 When I woke up. 2 nice oak fatties last night. Woke to pee at 3 threw 4 small splits in to make sure I had some coals for 6am. Surprised how many coals I had left at 6. Same thing this morning, 2 fat oak splits with some other maple/oak mixed. House never got below 66. Will reload at 315 when I get home. First time I'm really pushing the stove over 500 degrees this winter.
We have about half a rack of pine that I want gone since the colder nights are here so I loaded the wood stove up with some of it.
whoops! wrong thread!
Burning down some coals, making room for the overnight batch. 29 out, 72 in. Low of 23 expected tonight.

[Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now? [Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
I just got off the road and shoveled the stove out, tossed half a Superceder in to check it out with pine and red oak. Door open she warming up.

The cedar seems pretty good.
20’s today so kept the stove loaded since 7am. House still 75 on main floor. Stretching my reloads out to 250-300STT. Loading some oak soon. E/W loading cigar type burn packed tight. 1x Big oak split in the back about 5 splits total with a cherry on top. STT stays in 550-600 STT range.
38 outside; salon is creeping up above 65

started a fire after sweeping the flue today...which is harder than it should be, but it's done

smoked the place out with my cold start...It has just been so wet here this year, getting anything super dry is tough

well, it wasn't that awful...cleared the place in about 10 minutes and now the feeding begins

I've a nice piece of white oak on a bed of beech and ash embers at the mo
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It's warmer tonight, we're at 25.4 so I'll run the pellet stove on the high end of the medium setting. Tomorrow morning before I start the wood stove back up, I'll take some ashes out to the metal garbage can.

The basement is 77, the living area is 70 & 71 with the sleeper at 67.
got up at 0530 for essentials and went down to see if any embers were left: yes

2 small splits of ash and 1 of beech to "re-kindle" and it took very well

just put on a nice piece oak and it's back to bed

36 outside; a cozy salon at around 66 with the fire back in play and the kitchen is up at least 2°C
It's a 4-load day (low in the teens, high in the 30s), and the throttle def needs to be managed a bit more carefully throughout day to make this happen efficiently.

The load from 6PM is finally burn down enough for a reload by midnight and I stuffed 5 splits in. The coals is taking up about half of stove volume. I'll burn at around 60% throttle to get coal volume down around 7, 8 AM tomorrow morning so I can scoop out ashes.
All this recent talk of ashes ..... I opened up the All Nighter for a greeting of full ash. Shut it down 2 seasons ago and forgot to empty.

Furnace is burning a load of maple ash, and black locust. Those are the majority on the menu for the season. Lot's of red oak too, but some of that isn't quite dry yet. Saving the dryer stuff as to not deplete it.

Weather says it's 20* out but feels like 16 from the slight wind chill. 1am now and I'm going to check the furnace in a bit.
I hear it cycling on and off. House is maintaining 67-68*
An hour ago, I reloaded. Beyond the furnace door was a massive pile of coals. Two of which were still in log form. That wonderful coaling black locust. I leveled out the pile while centering the BL coals. Overnight reload is now 3 large ash splits, a piece of sugar maple, 2 more smaller pieces of BL, a scrapper of hickory, and 2 mid sized splits of red oak.

See you fellas tomorrow.
I slept another 2 ticks and lo and behold fire still alive
Yahoo sez 41 with real feel at 37
fire just keeps the place cozy

put in a couple pieces of ash...contemplating back to sleep or stayin awake
Woke up to stove at 225 with a nice bed of coals. Put 6 smaller rounds in to get things heated up fast. Cruising at 550 now and blower kicked on. I like to start off mornings with a smaller hot fire and refill 2 hours later with a full load. Heats up the basement quicker and keeps the heat pump from running unless it's really cold out. 26 here this am
We had a low of 23.9 this morning, the pellet stove kept the basement at 75, the living area was 69 & 70 with the sleeper at 68.

I shut the pellet stove off, cleaned the ashes out of the wood stove and then I started a fire with ash splits on the bottom with pine on top.

The beech was still on the floor from when we put it in so that went in the rack, the 4 x 4 rack is full. I also picked up another 7 bags of pellets since we have a parade of storms that might hit.
currently yahoo says 44F, but it's actually 38F and RealFeel at 35

Fire's been going for almost 24hrs after yesterday's sweep
I've been running it pretty close as possible to manufacturer instructions...adding a split or two of ash and/or oak every 1-3hrs

yielding a very comfy salon and raising all the adjacent rooms a couple 3 degrees C

air intake mostly set to just barely flame and not creosote...I really should get some gauges for knowing temps throughout
Shoveled out about 10 days worth of ash yesterday and changed over from white oak to hickory. Temps staying in the 20s.
The snow just started falling here about an hour ago. They just bumped our local estimates up They were saying all along 5-8” now they are saying 8 - 12”. Got the snowblower gassed up and ready to go.
Hickory keeping the house in the low 70s with the bedrooms around 64.