The making of Pinetree Pellet Fuels Maine softwood pellets.. The Mill..

  • Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

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For decades we south-of-the-border folks were incredulous of what PSNH folks paid for power - about triple the cost of Mass Electric. That has now reversed completely.

So for me that ROI would be closer to 4 years with the same unlikely (as you indicate) assumptions.

- Jeff
My most current bill (received 2 days ago) is for 85.81 for 433 kilowatts used - just under 20 cents per kilowatt. I just don't use much electricity and I have a small house - my highest electric usage was last December at 563 (Christmas lights and lots of power tools in use).

However, I don't know what you are paying, so it could be you pay less per unit - just use more, or pay more per unit than I do.
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So I haven't posted any updates lately as not much has been going on with the mill. We did get a quote for fire suppression and my jaw hit the floor. We knew it was going to be an expense we had to do for safety and for insurance but we estimated less for the system. It was just our first quote and you never just get one quote :cool:

I would ask if anyone in the forum has a retaliative/friend or someone who may be in the fire suppression business please hit me up in my inbox here on Hearth. We would rather give our business to someone who is a smaller outfit rather then the big guys we got our first quote from. Plus if we can help someone on the board it just makes sense to us to come here and ask rather then pick someone online. I have gotten such a warm welcome here that I almost feel like you all are part of the process, where I was just going to post about our progress, your input and feedback has been extremely helpful, plus I hope to meet as many of you at the open house (I do still need to talk to Jim about promoting it) as possible. Think for all us Pelliters (did i just make up a word?) it would be a fun chance to put a face with the avatar we have been speaking to. Plus hopefully Jim will let us fly him out to the mill so you can all meet the guy responsible for

will post some other CAD stuff later today. Everyone enjoy the beautiful Sunday that it is!!

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Ant she pretty ;)

[] The making of Pinetree Pellet Fuels Maine softwood pellets.. The Mill..
Time to turn that ink into iron. ;lol
CAD what CAD? I don't see any chainsaws in that post!:rolleyes:
Redundancy.... Something my customers have never heard of.

These knuckle-heads claim every hour of down-time equates to 50,000 out the window. Perhaps a second chiller is in order?
Good evening everyone. Need to catch up on my post here on Hearth. We have been very busy trying to get everything lined up for closing on the mill building at the end of this month which we are very excited about. I told Jim(webfish) that I would talk about the ups and downs of putting together a wood pellet mill and let me tell you it hasn't been all cupcakes and sprinkles. In fact until about two weeks ago we were going to delay, not by our choice, the start of Pinetree Pellet Fuels wood pellet mill. As with any new startup we have some funds to establish the mill, and have brought on an investor to make up the difference. It has had its ups and downs for sure!! We are continuing to plug away at all final details with people that make more money in 4 hours then i do in a week. I new I shoulda been a lawyer :cool:

The reality is even if i was making the big bucks as an attorney it i wouldn't be doing something I truly love, believe in and have a passion for. The mill is!!

So not a lot to report on as we close June 30th on the mill, and I won't feel the reality of it until I have the keys in hand and deed in our name. We presented before the town our mill proposal and a gentleman in the audience suggested that if we can to put the town of Mattawamkeag on our bags. So we brainstormed over a few whoppers and decided that Mattawamkeag Wood Pellets is just to difficult to say and to say to folks who don't know the correct way to say it. We did decide to drop the Pinetree Wood Pellets brand (for now) and have our companies first line of 100% Premium spruce pellets named "Two Rivers Wood Pellets". Our company name will remain Pinetree Pellet Fuels however.

I have a quiz, first person to reply with how we come up with the name will get a free ton of pellets (you pick up at our mill in Mattawamkeag)!! Please post your answers in the thread.

My next post will have our website live and would love some comments on it!

Sorry for not being as attentive as I wanted to be on the site, but the whole project is a massive effort and a million moving puzzle pieces and we had lost a piece of that puzzle for a moment.

Hope all of you are are getting some warm weather!! if not turn up those pellet stoves. lol, I should be in marketing. Anyways I do hope you all are enjoying spring and more post to come.

Take care
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Because you are operating out of the Pine tree state?

Yes, this is how we came up with the company name years ago.

Because it borders the two rivers on the site

Not quite, Shubby nailed it.

your where the mattawamkeab and Penobscot rivers meet?

Shubby is good at using Wikipedia (just kidding). Actually the Indian meaning Mattawamkeag translated means "where to rivers meet". It is also the towns slogan.

[] The making of Pinetree Pellet Fuels Maine softwood pellets.. The Mill..

So to be fair I didn't specify the company name or our pellet brand name so Pete and Shubby, when we are up and running if you wanna swing by we will load a ton for ya.

That is where we came up with the brand name for our softwood pellets, paying honor to the town and the history of the name Mattawamkeag. That's it for PTPF History 101 for today, I expect a 378 page report on my desk by morning :p

Take care everyone

All I get when I go to your site is an index that takes me nowhere (and no permissions either). Was that the tease? >>
That's funny I thought I said the same thing as shubby just sooner

hes right he got it first while I just looked up the names of the rivers. he can have the win. it would cost me as much as they are worth to drive to maine to pick them up. well that and no offence to your product but they don't burn worth a darn in my woodstove.
Ahh, Sorry, I'm slow on Mondays :p
If you're still looking for a sprinkler contractor.. Guy I went to school with for 12 years took over his dad's business. High Tech Fire Protection. I'm not sure technically if they are in Poland or Mechanic Falls. Richard Smith is the guy I know. Might be worth a phone call.

I don't burn pellets, but I love the idea that you're going to be a local business. People should be happy to pay your price. I love the idea of my money staying local. Then you keep your money banging around in your town. Guy that works at the mill buys a car from the local dealer. That guy goes to lunch at the diner. On and on.

Best of luck to you.