Thank you for this awesome thread, @Woodsplitter67 . I have some questions for you that I hope you don't mind answering.
Background: I live in New Hampshire and heat 100% with wood. I moved an hour further north early last November and used wood left by the previous owner, and this spring I finished bucking, splitting, and stacking the rest of the grapple load he left me. I have only perhaps two cords out of that, and I know I need more. I have about 18 acres now and have been felling some red oak, beech, birch, and pine, but I need to speed-dry it... so I am very interested in copying your exact design here.
- Are you using 6 mil plastic? If it "greenhouse grade" or the cheaper 6 mil stuff sold at Home Depot/Lowes?
- How much space are you leaving between the bottom of the plastic and the ground? Looks like maybe 4 inches or so?
- Does the plastic wrap underneath, or does it just terminate a certain distance from the ground?
- Is the top of the framing supporting the plastic 8' from the ground?
- Can you share the make/model of that thermometer you picture to test air temperature in the solar kiln?
I have the wood on pallets, with pallets fastened to each end (with bracing). The wood is in two long rows exactly 4' high, each row is 1.10 cord.
Thank you!
I am using the H DEPOT. 6mil clear plastic
The top rail is about 6'8" high.. my stack is taller than 4'.more like 5'
Just use your judgement for the height. If its not tall enough the plastic will rub to much on the top row of splits. You dont want it to high.. you want to build heat at the height of the wood.. if your top is 3' higher than the wood your heat will be way up top.. and not at the splits
The plastic at the bottom covers the first row of splits and is attached to the rail the split sits on.. that rail is a about 4" off the ground..
What i am using for temperature is actually what i put in my smoker.. its called a DOT and its attached to an air probe.. you get them on line from a place called thermoworks..
Any help you need let me know.. i whsh you luck..