Need Some Help. Neighbor (Environmental Atty) Filed Complaint

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I posted a couple of pages ago that I suspect he's spoken to an attorney and been advised not to post about any pending potential litigation on social media.
Did the OP post what happened? Don't have time to read through 9 pages.

No. Last post he was heading to a meeting about it.

Somebody suggested maybe he got locked up - maybe that wasn't so far fetched? :p
No. Last post he was heading to a meeting about it.

Somebody suggested maybe he got locked up - maybe that wasn't so far fetched? :p
Hasn't logged in since Jan.
week before Christmas 2016 I get a letter from city saying a neighbor complained my 40 cords of firewood was a fire hazard. Long story short Sold the place 7 mo. later rather than put up with neighbors that think they know better and the selective enforcement practices of the city. Heated that home with wood since it was built (1960). Never a problem prior. Only compliant I ever had was my neighbor lady across the street complaining that she gained 10 # over the winter ( had a lot of sugar maple that year) and every time she would get a wiff of scent it made her want pancakes.
week before Christmas 2016 I get a letter from city saying a neighbor complained my 40 cords of firewood was a fire hazard. Long story short Sold the place 7 mo. later rather than put up with neighbors that think they know better and the selective enforcement practices of the city. Heated that home with wood since it was built (1960). Never a problem prior. Only compliant I ever had was my neighbor lady across the street complaining that she gained 10 # over the winter ( had a lot of sugar maple that year) and every time she would get a wiff of scent it made her want pancakes.
60 years ago there were a fair number of people in town who were born before the turn of the century. And some were probably on the town boards. Same as now, except 2000 vs 1900. Quite a change in demographics.
week before Christmas 2016 I get a letter from city saying a neighbor complained my 40 cords of firewood was a fire hazard.

That IS a lot of wood!

Was the letter from the fire department or a city complaining about all the wood stored on your property? What was it that they wanted you to do to get them off your back?

How did you acquire all that wood? Did you have access to a wood lot and just keeping salting wood away? Most people seem to get tired after putting up wood for 2-3 years, but it seems that you must have been energized to keep cutting, splitting and stacking!

Seems to me that the city might have given you a Paul Bunyan award!
That IS a lot of wood!

Was the letter from the fire department or a city complaining about all the wood stored on your property? What was it that they wanted you to do to get them off your back?

How did you acquire all that wood? Did you have access to a wood lot and just keeping salting wood away? Most people seem to get tired after putting up wood for 2-3 years, but it seems that you must have been energized to keep cutting, splitting and stacking!

Seems to me that the city might have given you a Paul Bunyan award!

It sounds like a lot of wood (which it is) but it's all relative. In the city that would be overkill but I could imagine having that volume of wood if I lived out on several acres and had a large house with two wood stoves, plus a mother in law unit with another wood stove, and a shop with one too...
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It sounds like a lot of wood (which it is) but it's all relative. In the city that would be overkill but I could imagine having that volume of wood if I lived out on several acres and had a large house with two wood stoves, plus a mother in law unit with another wood stove, and a shop with one too...

I hope to some day have a surplus of firewood, but 40 cords stacked is truly impressive.
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Here in the Midwest we have oak wilt. Oaks of all ages sizes and types. 20 acres of hardwoods here and it's all being thinned of mature trees. Such a shame. Would much rather have a healthy woodlot. But on the other hand the stockpile here has gone up. Less than in Leroy WI, but still 25-30 cords css.
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that location was Brookfield, most of that came from a golf course between myself my friend and a couple other friends helping with the transport. over the course of about 2 months we pulled 80 cord ( full 4x4x8) out of there all hardwoods . We had to work fast and hard to beat the tub grinder coming in. City was pulling their local rules ie, not on drive, behind house, 10 ft off property line. 3/4 acre lot long and narrow. maybe 30 ft behind house. was placed on one end of lot. as when it was built , I could still split the lot - rules changed many years later no split lot. That's another story.
So to comply I would have to stack the wood behind house in apx a 50 x20 ft area get pretty tall stacks that way. they didn't like that idea either. Then I got a bit p o ed . went around with camera within a 10 block radius taking pics of wood stacks- their option at that point was we go to court for them doing selective enforcement OR I will git rid of wood and have 7 ton of coal placed on side lot. City not particularly fond of that either ( no codes on city books about coal just the normal stuff state/dnr wise) I can play the game as well as any one. I also had one more card up my sleeve- that the city was already in court about, ground water run off from a Higher elevation subdivision in another area flooding out an existing one. They had approved a new subdivision built just a few years back above mine. A good rain and we were getting the same problem never had it prior. When I tossed that in the mix they could not back peddle fast enough All this caused by newly arrived nosey neighbor aka self appointed code police. At that point I could see where this was going from now until eternity. Sold the place 7/17 never did move the wood- city said well you can just reduce by attrition. Meaning I could not bring replacement to rotate stock. Pic is of the main stack over 100 yards long


  • [] Need Some Help. Neighbor (Environmental Atty) Filed Complaint
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60 years ago Brookfield was farm yards and dairy cows. Now it's East Town Mall and Blue Mound blvd., with the barns used for weddings and receptions.
I would say by 2019 it's time to get the heck out of there.
Yeah I dont see how its an eyesore at all. When I moved into my neighborhood a couple years ago I slowly built up my wood inventory also having some paranoid thoughts of pissing neighbors off with wood stacked everywhere. My immediate neighbors could care less, as we are all pretty much blue collar types. The ritzy neighborhood behind us is the one I get paranoid about. Someone back there called the fire dept on me once for having possibly the smallest bonfire I had ever had in my yard. The fire dept showed up and laughed about it then himmed and hawed over PITA neighbors. We chalked it up to maybe not having bonfires when the wind is blowing toward that north east direction. Funny cus a 8ft fire back there was pretty normal, but the one with 1ft high flames is what did me in.
It sounds like a lot of wood (which it is) but it's all relative. In the city that would be overkill but I could imagine having that volume of wood if I lived out on several acres and had a large house with two wood stoves, plus a mother in law unit with another wood stove, and a shop with one too...

Thanks for the interesting story, and the impressive picture of your wood!

Sorry it came down to moving, but you probably did the smart thing, unfortunately.

Times change and some of us don;t care to change along with them.
I have Chestnut Oak covered and stored outside for going on 2 1/2 years at 17-18% MC... so I guess the firewood guy mentioned in the post above is a real expert - not.
Thanks for the interesting story, and the impressive picture of your wood!

Sorry it came down to moving, but you probably did the smart thing, unfortunately.

Times change and some of us don;t care to change along with them.
I don't blame him, life's too short to fight stupid battles.
I'm in central MA. New neighbor moved in a few months ago. I have 2 BK Princess inserts installed back in 2013. Never had any complaint before previous neighbor Board of health contacted me saying neighbor complaint of smoke and odor from my burning. 99% of my firewood are red oak. I split and stack them fairly small 1-2" diameter because I do not have the space to store 2 years. Their usually seasoned only 1 year. Please help me with a few questions.

1. How much smoke should I see during initial burn?
2. How much smoke should I see once stove is hot enough to engage the combustor?
3. Talking to a couple of local wood dealers, they're say it's not possible to get seasoned firewood under 20% moisture content because seasoned firewood will reabsorb moisture and rain water. They said I would have to purchase kiln dried firewood to achieve under 20%. Anyone in the northeast can confirm or disprove what they told me?
4. Are there anyone local on this forum who would be willing to show me their setup and the operation of their stove?
5. Anyone local who has firewood under 20% would be kind enough to sell me 1/2 or a cord?

Thank you.
Your wood is not dry enough if you are getting this much smoke. Either that or your fire is choaked down too far/too soon and needs more air. Give oak three years to season and burn some other wood in the meantime. Except for start up you should see hardly any smoke. Go outside and look at your chimney frequently until you get it dialed in.
brenndatomu, I don't know the difference between smoke and steam. How do I tell the difference?
Not knowing the difference between smoke and steam makes me wonder if your neighbor doesn’t have a legitimate complaint. Smoke is caused from something burning. Steam is water vapor that is boiling off. If you are getting steam your wood isn’t even remotely close to being properly seasoned and you should not be “burning” it.
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