Hopefully summer arrives later this week if the forecast is correct, a bad spring really shortens our summer here in northern New York unless we get a nice month of October.The more years ahead the better thewoodlands. I can't seem to get more than a day or two before it rains again. I have a few trees to take down some big ash as well. I'm hoping for a couple dry days so I can move this coming years wood up close to the house. I have a area for about 4-5 cords fifty feet from the house. Once that is restocked I plan on filling the stacks back up with the log piles I have. A few days of cutting, splitting and stacking I can get a lot of wood processed and drying for the coming years. I think once everything is processed I should have close to five years ahead. But like others have stated winters might not be real cold but they just never seem to end I burned from Mid Oct. till end of May and I would have had a fire these last couple nights if the stoves weren't cleaned.
We usually start burning in the middle of Sept. and this year we had a fire at the end of May, I almost went and got a few bags of pellets but I refuse to burn anything in the stoves in June. We either burn the propane fireplace or the furnace for about seven minutes in the morning an night if needed,