Minister of Fire
I have my cold furnace light up down to a science. I can go from a cold furnace to putting a load in about 15-20 minutes. I take one normal sized dry split of pine and split it into small splits, Then I take those and break them in half so I have a good handful of 8-10" long or so dry kindling. I place those on some crumpled up paper. I then open my ash pan door and also tie my BD flap closed (using some thin wire) to give maximum draft and to limit the amount of fresh (cold) air being introduced into the chimney. I then light the paper and wait. I leave the ash pan door open and BD flap tied shut the whole time in order to get the furnace and flue up to temp ASAP. I like to see 500° - 600° flue temps right at the collar of the furnace. I do this as I believe getting the flue pipe and chimney up to temp ASAP helps with any possible creosote buildup which may develop in the stovepipe BD area from doing multiple cold starts over time. The sooner and hotter you can get the stovepipe the better. The hotter you can get the firebox also makes for more efficiency once you load it. Once I get the temps up and all the kindling has turned to coals I then load it. I keep the ash pan door open and BD tied shut for maybe 5 minutes after loading to ensure a good fire has taken hold. I then close the ashpan door and untie the BD to allow for normal operation. This method seems to work great for me. It gets the firebox and chimney up to temp as quickly as possible.