Minister of Fire
Your view is incredibly elitist. It that world, only the rich can afford a fun to drive car or plastic ziploks.BTW... I hate hearing any talk of “banning” anything. It’s not American. Live free or die, eh?
We should never be talking about “banning” various products or solutions, but incentivizing the communally-responsible choices. Bush should not have “banned” incandescent light bulbs, he should have insisted the laws were written to just incentivize more responsible choices. Don’t you dare ban my 6.4 liter sedan, just make it financially painful enough to drive a low-MPG car, that the masses choose the more socially-responsible path. People would quickly go back to Tupperware, or washing and re-using their Zip-Lok baggies (my grandmother used to do this), if those baggies were 6x their current price. But, they’d still be there, for those few cases when you really need a disposable solution.
This allows us our freedoms, to choose what is right for us, while effecting the mass changes that are often needed. You just need to make the less socially-desirable solutions a little painful.
You are even talking about "the masses" as if that does not include you.