It stinks that it seems so many say the answer is government regulation because industry and social responsibility it too slow to pick up on the issue at hand. So we claim we need more regulation, more government, less freedom, more constraints on the free economy, less capitalism, more socialism, more recycling, less consumerism. It seems that a general statement could be made that most things that are good for the economy are bad for the environment. So much technology that makes our lives “better” also makes the long term livability of the planet shorter. Is a huge meteor or volcano more likely to destroy life as we know it, or will it be man, or will we be able to save this planet until it is ultimately swallowed up by our sun in a supernova?
These questions leave me wondering if picking plastic plates and cups out of the trash at parties, and carefully sorting trash from less environmentally responsible people is worth it. And what recyclable materials that I’m trying to clean with tap water are worth the tap water I’m using clean them. Are they helping or hurting the recycling facility’s profitability?
How should I be spending my life’s time here to try and extend the livability of this planet? I pick up the trash and recycle what I can almost everywhere I go. I use everything I can to it’s fullest extent. I’m a recycler, but not a great consumer. I still drive a gasoline vehicle, use natural gas to heat my home, run multiple computers at once, leave lights on, and even have several incandescent bulbs in my house. Heck, there are many parts of my home that need better insulation.
Is plastic the problem? Or is it just what is most in our faces at the moment. It seems global warming and the constant killing of green spaces that turn CO2 into Hydrocarbons and O2 are what we need the most. It makes me think I should go live in the woods, but then I’d probably end up killing more trees. Maybe instead I should try to buy green space to preserve. Can we buy portions of the ocean to make ocean farms?
Who will save this planet?