Jackfre said:
Wads of newspaper. A crib of fine cut pine kindlin', a sequence of small to larger oak/walnut, a few pieces of newspaper on top, a match and Bob's your Uncle. I've never used accelerants.
Back in the day, I never would have used accelerants either. I'm a pretty cautious type. Used to go with newspaper. Worked my way through various waxy starter types. The waxy ones can be problematic. A forum member in Texas suggested kerosene soaked pine cones, since I had been fiddling with melting old candle stubs and dipping pine cones in that. Very labor intensive. I'm sure glad I tried his method. Works great!
Kerosene is about the only accelerant that is even remotely safe IMO. I've logged a lot of hours with this method now, and am fully satisfied they are 'adequately' safe, the way I am using them. Very easy to prepare them. Very, very effective starters, virtually failure proof. Work every time for me, and they are so quick and easy to prepare. You leave a few soaking in a larger size coffee can until needed. Shake off excess, build fire over them. Pine cones are really not all that porous, so you're lighting off only a very small volume of fuel, but what a difference it makes in the initial startup. A plain pine cone burns miserably, by contrast.
I would never use other accelerants such as charcoal lighter, paint thinners, alcohol, gasoline (shudder). Only kerosene has a slow enough flame spread to be usable this way. It's nowhere near as volatile and explosive as the others. I would not use it in a catalyst type EPA stove, however- might ruin that expensive cat.
I suppose you could get yourself in trouble even with kerosene if you were really careless about it. Yes, there are risks. In the event of a house fire, it could turn on you and decrease escape time. OTOH a big stash of any of the waxy products could also take off pretty strong in a house fire. You pays your money and you takes your choice.
And that's the thing- pine cones laying on the ground: free. Y2K kerosene, multiple gallons of it, useless for much anything else, other than auto parts washing: free! Works for me. Works well.
BTW paraffin (wax)
is an accelerant. It's just got still lower flame spread and volatility.