I think everyone has missed one of the elephants in the room-
The flue pipe damper. I see this install has a key damper in the stovepipe. These have no purpose in an EPA certified stove install except as a potential tool for limiting a chimney fire or runaway fire (both might be controlled by covering the Outdoor Air Kit inlet though).
Absolutely correct. As stated in the 1st post it is not needed at all. However when youre new to something you tend to ask others for advice. This is what happens when you ask a store associate what all you need. The funny part is the second everything was finished, I looked at my new setup and smiled... until I looked on the kitchen table and saw the damper was still in the bag. chit! So two of my helpers had to lift and hold the chimney up while I removed the joint closest to the stove and installed the damper. After all that, I later saw it was not needed.
Also I do keep the damper open. I was also going to ask on here when its bed time CAN I close this any to maximize my burn (especially since the bottom damper does nothing)
As for the video, anyone experienced can say that wood simply doesn't change its burn state all that fast. You're going back and forth with that damper as if it should make a difference... It won't.
I don't understand this. If you close the only inlet, the firs should respond almost instantly. It does with the door, and it did with the stove damper (before I knew not to use it). Can you explain your thinking on this?
When that baffle, and the stainless burn tubes get super hot, they radiate intense heat downwards back onto the burning wood to help it sustain a clean burn and prevent it from smoldering
Absolutely! And I have seen it do its thing many times. However the key is getting a hot roaring fire, which sometimes I cannot do with apparently this wood. I normally hover around 300 with a lot of my wood, but ever so often Ill get lucky with a piece and the stove will hit 450-500. It gets so hot (probably normal, but new to me) that I turn on the blower to spread the heat. I also keep feeling the wall, and even when the stove hit its highest of 520, I could hold my hand on the wall. Point is at this temp the secondaries are firing like crazy. Beautiful!
Yea definitely something vbulletin needs
The way many of you are speaking towards him is extremely condescending and immature. If I were a new poster I'd probably not be coming back.
Very true! If it weren't for members like you man I would've peaced out a long time ago. The problem is you have these guys that are here everyday and they feel like some kind of authority figure, and they obviously can't handle that. Its not because of what they're saying, but how they go about getting their point across. And if you don't ACKNOWLEDGE that theyre right they keep on and on and on until you do. Kinda like children. These people can't handle not getting their way, so they pout and make comments until someone acknowledges them. This is why I'm done with their bullshit. They have mentioned the issues I need to address over and over and over, I have acknowledged that I see their concerns, but until I satisfy them with what they want they're either going to not help, make stupid comments, or both! Too bad for them I will be moving on without them and will be ignoring any more of their chit! Not because its wrong, but because we've already been there and done that too much already. (Not to mention I just don't like them). So moving forward I need all the people like you to help me and just ignore any more of their messages. Hopefully they will get pissed off and leave the thread. Right or wrong theres a way to talk to people and I just don't want that kind of attitude here. Now moving on
As I'm not experienced enough for the woodstove problem, my .02 cents is to suggest putting a dab of roof caulking on each nail head so snow/water will not rust out nail and penetrate roof causing a leak.
Thank you for your .02 cents. But may I ask how you got this opinion? I mean the only picture of my flashing shows the red silicone. You're not the only one commenting without noticing whats already written, but I want to make sure I couldn't do anything more to help cut down on them.
Thank you brotherbart for helping people see more clearly
Oh and another tip- Every time you open the door, you're cooling down at least part of the firebox. When I light a fire ...
That's a great point! However with my tiny stove, If I don't leave it open long enough to get a good fire, it will go out completely. One there are coals thats a different story, but when first making the stove thats impossible... HOWEVER now that you mentioned this I bet I can keep a fire hotter by not opening the door so often. Again GREAT advice!
Maybe it's just me but it seemed like his air control moved very easy and was very quiet. most of the time moving an air control sounds like a brick on a cheese grater. Could it be that his air control rod came lose from the metal plate that chokes off the air supply and it is now stuck in the closed position
I can definitely feel something hooked to the rod, but I can also feel there is alot of horizontal and vertical play in whatever it is. Its no where close to a seal, maybe an obstruction, but not much of that.
That's why we usually recommend to new members to dry their own wood. When it has been sitting for 2 to 3 years split and stacked in a sunny and windy spot, raised from the ground and top-covered it is almost surely below 20%. Testing a few pieces is then often enough to tell how dry the rest is
Thats a great instruction,but how to new members... Its kind of hard to know in advance that youre gonna be a stove owner until you are. My problem is I did it in September so I have to rely on purchased wood. Moving forward I will definitely be following this method, And great advice on your suggestions
I just watched your video on "damper", with a fire going that good when I change air control either full open or full closed I get an immediate response in flames
This is what I expect too, but some say it won't happen. I can't say for sure, but I know mine does nothing, and if you have to wait 15 minutes then who knows because then the amount of fuel is changed either way so you can't compare it.. or at least I cant.
This definitely confirms one of the potential issues.
I agree.
I agree the fire did not seem to change really at all, especially for adjusting it as fully as you did. Maybe the air control is disengaged/unhooked somehow. Is there a way to check this with the stove right where it is? Does if feel "hooked up"?
I agree with this too. It does feel hooked to something?!? One thing to note is alot of the reviews of this stove have people complaining that the damper is useless. Maybe a design defect.
Cracking a window would rule out a house that was too tight.
Great advice, and mentioned and tested earlier in the thread.
And yes great job trying to diagnose your issue. I feel we will all get it right soon!
Thank you for the kind words, Sure glad to have people like you around! Couldn't do it without you!
I would try compressed wood bricks and see if that clears anything up, also before you do anymore tests, run a chimney brush down your flue, if its poor wood your burning you may already have some build up restricting what little draft you have
I will definitely be trying this just to verify its the wood. I'm thinking it is, even though it looks exactly like everyone say is seasoned. Do you really think I will have a creosote build up in 2 weeks?
my moneys on the air control lever being disconnected under the stove. Sure sounded loose in his video
definitely loose, thats for sure, but I'm not so sure its disconnected... I'm leaning towards poor design, but we will see soon enough if and when I try to get proper fuel to burn. HAHAHA Side note, when I was in college, my dog had its leg broke and I didn't have any money to get it fixed. I asked my dad for the money and he gave me his credit card. I took my dog to the vet and had its leg reset and wrapped. A month later he called me mad as hell and asked me why I lied to him about my dog. Puzzled I asked him to explain, and he said he got his credit card receipt and the money I spent was to a place called Kindred Spirits... He thought that sounded like a bar
Hahaha takeaway from this story is theres a veterinary office in orlando with your screen name! Hahaha (laughing at my father not your name)
I think the poor guy is just trying to make sure the stove is going to work before he sets everything up as it should be. At this point I would want to know that it worked before I spent a lot of energy and money on making the setup perfect.
DING DING DING We have a winner folks!
Again its NOT the message I have a problem with, Its the delivery of the message I have a problem with, Its the acting like my work is purposely shabby that I have a problem with, its refusing to offer other advice unless I meet your demands of a correctional plan I have a problem with, Its being an poophead and just making condescending and UNNECESSARY comments I have a problem with. Listen people, help or not, but I'm not going to discuss this crap anymore, i'm not going to defend myself anymore, and I'm not going to respond to anymore people trying to tell me that everyone here has good intentions,,.
Are we clear yet? Can we move on? Is the dead horse-kicking over yet? Doesn't matter because I know its not!