3 free cord is a nice way to begin, but IMO you need to get into processing your own wood, before moving forward with any boiler purchases. As we've already said, firewood is a lot of work, and will require your time. Never having done this before, you can't understand what that means until you actually do the work yourself. There's cutting, splitting, hauling, and stacking (later unstacking and hauling again when burned). Someone I work with was planning to install a wood furnace, and decided to see what the firewood processing was all about, prior to buying a unit. He determined (correctly) that there was just not enough time at that point in his life (small child, etc.) to allow for what firewood would require. So, you need to know in advance that you will be ok with processing enough firewood every year going forward from now on. Cut/split/stack some wood, calculate the the volume you cut, extrapolate to what you will need (rough range 8-12 cord of pine), and then give yourself a 20% bonus because you will get more efficient in your methods later on. After doing this, you'll hopefully still feel the same about bringing in a wood boiler. If your fall-back is buying wood, and you're financially ok with that, then great - you're good to go.