Ok.. so I borrowed some equipment from work. I don't know the chimney height yet, but it is a 8x12" clay lined chimney that goes up through the center of the house.
I loaded the little Jotul this morning, and returned to a few coals today around 5. What I'm getting at is that I didn't have a cold chimney, but I didn't have a hot one either. I don't have a problem with smoke when starting a fire on a cold stove/chimney, but you guys have had me worried about chimney draft when I go with the Tundra. I raked what few coals I had, and threw 2 split pieces of ash on, one a good dry piece and one that is probably over 20% moisture.
I added a precision K type Omega thermocouple to the flue, right after the key damper (which is left open for all of this). This TC is centered in the flue. I also added a Dwyer Series 2000-00 Magnehelic gauge that I got free from work, connected to a 1/4" stainless tube, which is also centered in the flue pipe, perpendicular to the flow.
With the intake damper on the stove open, and a flue temp (measured with an annually calibrated Fluke Thermocouple meter from work) of 350*F, I get .04 to .05 w.c. of draft. This is with no other appliances on, and windows closed. If I open a basement window I pick up .001 w.c. of draft. If I run the clothes dryer in an adjacent room in the basement, I drop .001 w.c. of draft. Also of note, I have noticed that the draft level could be improved upon. This little Jotul has cracks in the back corners, and the back plate isn't sealed up tight enough, so I am losing some draft at the back of my stove.
Is the .004 w.c. to .006 w.c. suggested range at room temp flue, or at a certain temperature??
My concern is this.. everyone is suggesting a 6" steel chimney, even Drolet themselves in the manual. However, I come from a whole family of bricklayers, and this house was built by my grandpa 26 years ago. They might disown me if I put in a stainless liner

but also because the chimney has an offset in it which would add to the difficulty of a potential liner.
I want to cross my T's and dot my I's before installing this Drolet Tundra in my basement.
What alternate measurements would you guys like to see, in regards to my chimney and how much draft I have?