We were talking about using SS wrap style exhaust clamps for the repair in this thread...I think it was discussed in another thread or two also.
It happened on the Tundra I installed at my sisters repair it I cut a piece of stainless steel stove pipe about 6" long, popped the top off the furnace so that center HX tube could be accessed, then smeared some furnace cement all over the bottom of the HX tube in the problem area, and also on the stainless pipe in the area that will be on the bottom...then wrapped the SS around the HX tube, putting the overlap on the top (the HX tube is about 5" IIRC, the SS pipe was 6") then I got a couple 6" hose clamps and tightened them down to make the wrap tight on the HX tube, (I also reached back inside the tube and patted down any cement that oozed through, after the clamps were tight) let it cure for a day, then fire in the hole...that was the end of that problem, probably permanently, because the issue is that short section of the back part of the HX tube is blasted by the coolest air from the blower, and is also the coolest point internally, being right at the putting this wrap on it kinda insulates it, so it should help keep the flue gasses above condensation point now. Looking back, this should have been done preventatively. They had issues with this on the early Caddys too...the return air originally passed over the center HX tube on the way in to the blower, they changed it so that it only passed over the tubes post blower then.
They have addressed the problem on the Heat Commander right from the git go...the air box that distributes the air from the controls on the back, into the various places in the firebox, blocks the air from blasting right from the blower onto the back of the center HX tube.
I'll try to post a pic of my Tundra repair here sometime soon.
Here's the Heat Commander setup...much better
(click the pic and hit the + for better detail)
Oh, and SBI did warranty the Tundra then...but it was an early model that still had the full lifetime warranty on it, and it was cracked all over the place, even with all the preventive stuff I did to it...they refunded the price of the Tundra, and gave a healthy discount to upgrade to the HC...can't complain too loudly about that IMO...other than it seems like SBI is using the consumer as RnD.
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