Pretty sure
@Wisneaky was the first Tundra to already do that a year ago. I'm guessing the pictures are around page 8-12 of this thread, but I'll let someone else look up exactly where.
I can see the plenum thing going either way. Maybe it will help, since it's more open and since others seem to like it.
However, I can think of some reasons that it might not help. First, and by now least importantly, is because SBI has suggested it's a bad idea. They have maintained in emails with me and others here that using 4 of the existing 8" outlets is counterproductive and results in poorer heat distribution. It might sound counterproductive, but there are some heat exchanger designs in which this is true. If you let a heat exchanger breathe too freely, most of the airflow may flow through only one spot, leaving hot spots. If you partially restrict all of the regions of the heat exchanger, you actually can limit excessive air through some regions such that it flows through the other regions, overall resulting in more heat transferred and less airflow required.
Another reason it might not help is because, to some extent the air jacket already forms a plenum, so I'm not sure how much it will help to raise the height of that plenum. All in all, I think it would, because the HX tubes are pretty close to the existing top.
Anyways, I look forward to hearing more results of raising the existing plenum height, but it's not currently worth the effort for me.