Well guys...I'm not impressed. Something has to change or I'm going back to using the Yook.
I'm sitting here under a blanket because the Tundra refuses to blow hot air! My daggum chinese made 1.2 CF stove in the fireplace does a better job of heating the house, using a 1/3 the wood! It will at least make it 75* in here for 3 or 4 hours! I'd hafta shovel wood into this thing like a fireman tending the firebox on a loaded steam engine headed up the mountain side to get 75* outta the Tundra!
I can get the duct air temps up to 120 after the damper is open for a while...10 to 20 minutes depending on what part of the burn cycle it is, but the temp dies off pretty quick when the damper closes and is usually in the low 90s 4 hours into a burn. By the time the air makes it to the register, and across the room to my feet, it feels like cold air.
I have had this thing running nonstop since last night and it is 70* in the house, my Yukon would have used less wood and made it 75* in the house, at the least. I mean heck, its not really that cold out (28) and our house doesn't take that much to heat, we are only "actively" heating 1200 sq ft.
I have cleaned the HEs several times without much, if any difference. I tried different fan speeds and static pressures, not much difference. My draft is running right in the required range per a calibrated Dwyer. My wood is popcorn fart dry (BIG-time secondary action) The heat is just not being "exchanged".
It is supposed to be a little warmer this week to where I can go back to using the fireplace stove to heat with, I'm gonna tear into the Tundra. I had an idea this afternoon that may pay off. I have never had the baffle out and it appears that there may be an "insulating" layer of soot all over the top of the firebox, above the baffle. I couldn't get a great look because of the hot coals in the back were threatening to melt my plastic mirror, but I looks like a good cleaning is warranted. Keep in mind this is my first season with it, but I am the second owner of this unit and it is 3 (ish) years old.
If cleaning the "primary" HE doesn't help I am gonna pull the insulation blanket out from behind the firebricks on the sides of the firebox, try to get more heat from the actual fire/coals. I think the blanket is more for reducing CTC than it is for protecting the steel of the firebox, and I have plenty of clearance so...
I'll keep y'all updated