Everything Drolet Tundra - Heatmax...

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It would be nice if the manufacturers would assign a customer/technical service person to monitor these kinds of forums. A few good answers here and there would cut some of these threads in half!
I have nothing against buying a kuuma, but would rather go with a cheaper option.
It would be nice if the manufacturers would assign a customer/technical service person to monitor these kinds of forums.
SBI used to have a guy (Fyrebug) that hung out on the forums some...he took a different job though. USSC had a guy that showed up for a bit...I think he got tired of defending their junk all the time.
Lamppa is the only one here now, AFIK...at least in regards to wood furnaces.
I thought they just couldn't manufacture them after it takes effect. Surely they will release a new model before the old ones are gone.

Even if they have a warehouse full of the new model, they want to sell all of the old pre2020 stuff first. They will be scrap metal after may 15. There is some strategy.

There have been some cat furnaces. Cat stoves have been increasing but I would want the stepper motor automation even with a cat. Full on /full offseems ridiculous.
Another $100 with a variable (as with the blower mod that I haven't gotten to on mine yet) blower.
If OEM was to go to true variable speed blower, I'm sure they would go to a DC motor like fossil fuel furnaces have been using for some years now already...but my guess is that it would add something more like $500 to the price.
That is what I was looking at doing (installing motor/controls off a used gas furnace) when I stumbled upon (well, @STIHLY DAN suggested trying) using these low ambient temp controllers to infinitely vary the blower speed/follow plenum temps...but even the used motor/controls that I found were still spendy...and at that point I was not willing to gamble much money on something that was just an experiment to see if keeping the blower running longer (instead of cycling on/off) would help with overall heat output much...knowing what I know now I would be willing to spend the money if I found a reasonably priced motor/control board, but it seems pointless since the ICM type controls have worked out so well...
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I decided to email drolet customer service and ask when the 2020 compliant Heatpro will be available. This is the reply I got.
[Hearth.com] Everything Drolet Tundra - Heatmax...
I'm not sure if a heatmax/tundra is big enough. Our house was built on 1973. 2x4 exterior walls. Not real tight. Windows are decent. 1300 on main floor, 700 2nd floor. Full basement with uninsulated cement block walls. (Plan to insulate soon). Furnace will have to go in the corner of the basement.
I've got 3300 sqft total living area is that what I go by? If so I'll need the Heatpro.
If I don't count the basement I've only got 2000.
I do want the basement heated.
I'm not sure if a heatmax/tundra is big enough. Our house was built on 1973. 2x4 exterior walls. Not real tight. Windows are decent. 1300 on main floor, 700 2nd floor. Full basement with uninsulated cement block walls. (Plan to insulate soon). Furnace will have to go in the corner of the basement.
I've got 3300 sqft total living area is that what I go by? If so I'll need the Heatpro.
If I don't count the basement I've only got 2000.
I do want the basement heated.
They say you don't really count the basement area...it will stay fairly warm just from radiant heat off the furnace...all (or most) of the convective heat can be pushed upstairs.
Sounds like you have about the same as me, 1200 basement, 1200 main, 650-700 2cnd floor...the Tundra did fine, but we were not heating the second floor back then either. 1940 build with 2x4 walls (brick exterior) and just average insulation...some spots good, some still need work. Tundra heated the house fine on all but the very coldest of days...BUT, I always thought that it seemed like my Tundra put out less heat than some other peoples did...so I may not be a great comparison for you.
I guess as long as you can set things up so your current heating system can pick up the slack on the occasional extra frigid day, then a Tundra should take 95% (ish) of your heat bill...
They say you don't really count the basement area...it will stay fairly warm just from radiant heat off the furnace...all (or most) of the convective heat can be pushed upstairs.
Sounds like you have about the same as me, 1200 basement, 1200 main, 650-700 2cnd floor...the Tundra did fine, but we were not heating the second floor back then either. 1940 build with 2x4 walls (brick exterior) and just average insulation...some spots good, some still need work. Tundra heated the house fine on all but the very coldest of days...BUT, I always thought that it seemed like my Tundra put out less heat than some other peoples did...so I may not be a great comparison for you.
I guess as long as you can set things up so your current heating system can pick up the slack on the occasional extra frigid day, then a Tundra should take 95% (ish) of your heat bill...
I really like the 24 inch firebox on the heatpro. About half of my current supply is 20 plus inches. Guess I have a chainsaw tho......
What are the chances that I'll be are be to actually get my hands on one a new model in september? It'll most likely be November til they ship. Who knows.....
Perhaps I should just get a current model and update in a couple years once the new models get the kinks worked out.
I really like the 24 inch firebox on the heatpro. About half of my current supply is 20 plus inches. Guess I have a chainsaw tho......
What are the chances that I'll be are be to actually get my hands on one a new model in september? It'll most likely be November til they ship. Who knows.....
Perhaps I should just get a current model and update in a couple years once the new models get the kinks worked out.
I ran 22" (and even a bit longer) in my Tundra, no problem.
Yup, sounds like risky business waiting on a new heater when there is no hard release date, no price, no details...and yeah, first year of an all new model (potentially) could be bad news too...
Kinda stinks the heatmax won't be out till September. Wonder why they waited so long?

To me it stinks of them playing the waiting game and are now rushing to get something to market. Why wait till September for the first model to be released? People who are in the market will want to buy before fall. His choice of words "will be certified" tells me it's still not certified yet. Almost as if they were betting on this May 2020 deadline being changed or maybe even completely eliminated. When I emailed SBI a couple years ago about it they pretty much told me they didn't think it would stick, at least in it's current form. I was told the same thing by the local SBI dealer. They even stated how they didn't think it was even passable, without the use of a cat. LOL

I hope I am completely off base, as we all know how rushing things worked out for Hy-C.
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To me it stinks of them playing the waiting game
Could be like @Highbeam said...wanted to make sure that as many of the old models were sold before releasing the new ones...but they could do it in June, not wait until September! Must need more time like you said.
More than likely they are (or will be soon) building the new ones now...
Could be like @Highbeam said...wanted to make sure that as many of the old models were sold before releasing the new ones...but they could do it in June, not wait until September! Must need more time like you said.
More than likely they are (or will be soon) building the new ones now...
If there’s even a rumor of a “new and improved “furnace coming, people will delay the purchase. All of their wholesale customers that own old stoves will be screwed. Those wholesalers are actually the customer to sbi. If the regulations were written to allow sell through of pre 2020 models then I suspect we retail customers would be more informed and maybe even directly marketed about the great things coming from sbi.
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Hopefully?! ;lol

Im hoping! If they announced that they are dropping the us market then that too would damage their wholesale customers with stock on hand. This would be a super secret until after may 15.
It seems like they have basically admitted in their email responses to various people here that they are still going to be a player in the US...
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It seems like they have basically admitted in their email responses to various people here that they are still going to be a player in the US...
Or is that part of the act? Or do those low level email answerers even know the plan?

I’m pretty confident that you’re right though and that something compliant is coming. Looking forward to it. Really. We need more than one option!
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something compliant is coming. Looking forward to it. Really. We need more than one option!
Right...I get it...I mean even Lamppa has to realize that a lot of people just cant afford a VF...I wouldn't have one either but for finding a killer deal on a lightly used one...which honestly I have Dale at Lamppa to thank for that.
Nobody to blame for this other than all the other lazy. manufacturers who had to be forced to get their. together.
Thats only half the story. The other half is the EPA regulations. They have definitely accomplished some good things, but there is a cost involved. In dollars, options, etc...
There is always a drawback somewhere when the government gets involved. Especially in "free trade" economy. Always.

PS: I am not anti government.
Thats only half the story. The other half is the EPA regulations. They have definitely accomplished some good things, but there is a cost involved. In dollars, options, etc...
There is always a drawback somewhere when the government gets involved. Especially in "free trade" economy. Always.

PS: I am not anti government.

It shouldn't take the government to drive advancement. Lamppa sought out to better his product on his own....it was, what, 30 years in the making. Nobody forced him to do what he did, his motivation came from within.
It shouldn't take the government to drive advancement. Lamppa sought out to better his product on his own....it was, what, 30 years in the making. Nobody forced him to do what he did, his motivation came from within.
Correct. Not many manufacturers will put money into developing the best when they are making a handsome profit on an already functional, competitive product. If it ain't broke don't fix it....in other words.

The high efficiency stoves, boilers, and furnaces we expect and enjoy are indeed a positive result of EPA regulations. It is naive at best to think there is no negative effect. (I know you understand this, but there are way too many people who dont)

Back on topic tho.....it looks like I'll probably get a current model before the 15 of May. I just wish I knew if the new models would be available in september for sure....
SBI was also ahead of the game when they introduced the caddy line of furnaces. While Kuuma has been around for years, the furnaces were not always clean burning. I do believe SBI has been experimenting for years with electronics (they have their own testing lab). In a business, why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in testing and R&D to increase the cost of a furnace and run it out of a specific price range in the market. There's zero doubt that SBI can't replicate a furnace similar to the Kuuma, however they were just waiting till definite regulations hit before releasing a new furnace. SBI is a multi-million dollar company. I'll be curious what comes out with the new furnace.
While Kuuma has been around for years, the furnaces were not always clean burning.
They weren't? I mean I know they have not always been at the level they are now...but still cleaner than most others along the way I'd say.
SBI was also ahead of the game when they introduced the caddy line of furnaces
I gotta say, I do miss the "2-3 minute HX cleanings" you can do on the Caddy/Tundra design...that's awesome! (and the window too)
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