Englander 32 Modification

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No creosote issues, even with the included barometric damper...heck, I'll check the chimney and have occasionally skipped the annual cleaning.

Yes, computer keeps the firebox hot/clean...in the case of the Kuuma they have an adjustment for heat output desired...that basically just raises the firebox temp that the computer is looking for.
On the other brand the thermostat calling for heat raises the firebox temp that is expected.
On my seventh with the Kuuma. I have a block chimney and tile flu. Chimney is 32" feet tall. This is the first I have cleaned it. For the small amount of ash I ended up with I can honestly say it didn't really need it.
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Yes I only shut the damper when necessary. Which last night it was actually necessary to shut it all the way unfortunately.

After the season is over I’m pulling the stove and adding an actual secondary air control and the ability to completely shut down primary as well. I want complete control over a fire burning inside my house no matter what. If I have to sweep once a month so be it.
Yes, there's a big difference in draft when it gets colder out. A few days ago it was 25º in the morning and closing the damper was necessary on our stove too. This morning it was 40º and there was no need for using the pipe damper.
Yes, there's a big difference in draft when it gets colder out. A few days ago it was 25º in the morning and closing the damper was necessary on our stove too. This morning it was 40º and there was no need for using the pipe damper.
Have you been using a manometer as well to measure your draft in conjunction with the damper?