Coldest night so far. What are ya burning??

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Somersets in the hopper. 70 in the house, balmy 2 degrees outside. Poor stove is working harder than I'd like it. I need a bigger stove.
MWP blend, a little sand. Stove chugging along and laughing at the outside temp as usual.
My stove is so bored it just shut down. 14 and falling.
74F in the kitchen, 70F in the living room and 68F upstairs in the bedrooms!! Thank you CleanFire Pacifics and Granules LG!!!
Most will find it hard to believe but Green Supreme. It made it to 16 here today with a low of 10, supposed to be -3 tonite, and the PDVC is on feed 1 and blower 8. it has not gone below 71 in the house all day and last check was 73.
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I need a bigger stove.

I feel for ya and anyone else with to little a stove! I used to dread these cold nights until we bought the beast. I still switch pellets even though I really don't need to anymore. Force of habit and tough to shed.

Keep it chugging!
I think he's a basement dweller.

OK, that explains it. I'm running the same pellets in my P-61 on 3.5 and it's 72 in here and 9 outside.
10 degrees with a -1 wind chill. Spruce points keepin me at 76 downstairs/ 72 up with the t-stat at 73 and feeding at 3.5.
Burning Green label Ligs, which is the worst pellet I have right now (and they are Not a bad pellet :))

I have quite a bit of Prestos left, Somersets, and Rocky Mountains.... Using up these Green labels to make room for more Sets at the end of the season.

Furnace is set to t-stat mode ( level 3 of 5 ).. it's actually been coming off idle. Normally it runs on level 1. Never got this cold last year. Finally gets to stretch its legs :) I love this damn stove.

(Call me crazy, but I LOVE THE COLD WEATHER!!)
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Mixed up a nice stove cocktail of Barefoot, Blazers, and some Okies. The old drafty lake cottage is 69 downstairs and 67 upstairs. I'll drop the stat down to 67 before turning in for the night. My biggest problem is the drafts from the floor registers of the propane system down in the dirt floor crawlspace!!! I think the hot air leaking out of the attic is drawing cold air in thru them.
Burning Green label Ligs, which is the worst pellet I have right now (and they are Not a bad pellet :))

I have quite a bit of Prestos left, Somersets, and Rocky Mountains.... Using up these Green labels to make room for more Sets at the end of the season.

Weren't you were complaining yesterday about the lack of good pellets in your area?
Weren't you were complaining yesterday about the lack of good pellets in your area?

Yeah. Super Premiums..... Ligs compared to Turmans, or Okies, or Hamers, or..... You get the point.

What I have is Good. For my area. For the folks who burn nothing but Spruce Pointes, my chit is.garbage :(
2 degrees; clear and calm, dropping fast. Vts in the hopper, 71 inside :)
-43::C last night Pinnacle fir in the P61 keeping me warm.
Yeah. Super Premiums..... Ligs compared to Turmans, or Okies, or Hamers, or..... You get the point.

What I have is Good. For my area. For the folks who burn nothing but Spruce Pointes, my chit is.garbage :(

Just drop some good splits in that tree eater and load up the furnace and quad sit back and watch the arctic cold just beat a hasty retreat north of 80 degrees.
Blazers Baby! Outside is 11, downstairs is 74 and upstairs is 69. Put the MWP softies aside for the next couple of days, looking for a cleaner hotter burn.

Man, this is one hot thread!
What I have is Good. For my area. For the folks who burn nothing but Spruce Pointes, my chit is.garbage :(

Don't tell OMV Set's are garbage.!!! I can't get Hamers or Turmans. I can get Okies if I want to pay the price, and I won't. I could get Spruce Pointe but I'd have to travel quite a distance and still pay a high price. IIRC, you can get the 'Sets pretty cheap. I thought they were up there with the other's you mentioned.
Hamer's in the hopper the last 2 days. 12 outside right now running 5/5 .. It's 75 deg on the 1st floor 66 second floor.
Don't tell OMV Set's are garbage.!!! I can't get Hamers or Turmans. I can get Okies if I want to pay the price, and I won't. I could get Spruce Pointe but I'd have to travel quite a distance and still pay a high price. IIRC, you can get the 'Sets pretty cheap. I thought they were up there with the other's you mentioned.

The Sets are a great pellet... But they only acquire about 20%-25% of my stash..

So I am burning my "garbage" (again, a good pellet) to make room for Sets this Spring. :)

Should have been more'r clearer on my 1st post. (I did say they were Not a bad pellet)
I've got 4 degrees now, ditched the PA's now burning Barefoots.. just got back from being gone for 14 hours, 73 in the house...
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