Arrived at camp and the oil is out. So no taking the edge off and getting the place heated to temp then switching to wood.
I had a little competition between the living on room and fireplace vs expansion and wood stove. What would get the living spaces to temps fastest, quantity of wood considered, and ease of operations.
And the winner is....
The fireplace?!
Fireplace started with four small splits and one medium. Stove started with a ton of kindling. Waited almost thirty minutes to get it blazing and then added some small splits to the stove to try and heat it quickly.
Adding a few splits at a time to each as needed.
Three hours later the living room with fireplace is 67. Adjacent room 65. Living room is 14x20 with cathedral ceiling. Poorly insulated with crawlspace and crawlspace vents open. Other room is about 15x20 and being heated by fireplace as well.
Thermal blanket between old and new areas. Think moving blanket with foil on one side.
Expansion is 67 degrees. 24x26 cathedral.
Expansion is 26x24 cathedral.
Each appliance has had ten splits total starting with a few small then medium placed in them over the course of three hours.
The stove requires attention. Loading, opening damper, setting air control on high to get new wood going and constant checking as it went to 700 then half air throttle brought it down too much to 425. Careful wood usage and of course the danger of people and pets touching it. Not to mention harder to operate and requiring constant checks to fine tune the heat output.
The fireplace. Chuck a few pieces of whatever wood you've got laying around and done.
Outside temps 38 degrees
Inside temp at startup was 50.
Worth noting, the living room was 63 when the expansion was only 55. After an hour ish . After three hours stove caught up.
Now that I have the stove going and putting out good heat, I packed it during the last load 3/4, and set temp to high until 550 then backed it off a bit after about thirty minutes. It should stay around 550.
I fully expect the stove to continue for hours whereas the fireplace is going to need to be reloaded in , well about another five minutes with a few splits.
The stove will surely win out longer term. But for cold building warm ups and wood consumption the fireplace won.
Oh I should also mention in the expansion I have a 220v heater in the bathroom.
So the clean winner is the fireplace. I'm pretty shocked actually. And disappointed.
When I arrived I cleaned the stove out completely before starting either appliance and notice my door gasket is hardening in areas and getting creosote along the door and gasket. Something that is fairly easy to scrap off and as soon as you push on it, it turns to dust. But that gasket seems like it shrunk at the bottom of the door and has hardened in spots. Not cool for how little I've used this
The fireplace just works. Really really easy. And even a kid can chuck a piece or wood in it.
As much as I enjoy the challenge of getting the most out of my stove and learning everything. The fireplace competition really put things in perspective for me. As in, what am I doing??! I spend over 4k for this experience? Maybe other stoves are more simple and reliable.
I should add. I've been without oil before at this temp. So with the fireplace and stove running if the stove contributes to keeping the living room and other area tolerable while we are asleep and the next day with fireplace going I will know. And then I will have a better idea if the stove was worth the investment or like buying a used Alfa Romeo.
Edit. Added three more splits to fireplace where we hang out and where I'm sitting. Look how quickly those flames jump after being down to almost completely goals. My stove,. Eh you can kinda see some flames through the soot covered glass. There are some areas where the heat and fire burned the soot away so you can see inside somewhat. No one will be sitting near the stove. Ever.
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