Question re: burning pine/ softwood. This coming season will be our second year with a BK. First season we ran all hardwoods. I don't have much experience burning softwood, this is our first cat stove. We burn in a finished basement and the heat comes upstairs nicely but we have to run medium/medium high (zero to occasional flames). I scored a bunch of seasoned pine logs which I'm splitting and stacking now, will end up with probably 2 full cords. I'm trying to calculate how much of my hardwoods this will substitute for. I know people have commented how well pine burns in a BK but mostly in the context of low burns. I'm wondering on a higher setting, how pine compares. I know in my tube stove pine is gone in like an hour. I'm hoping to still get 5 hour burns during the day on medium, then at night dial it down low. Also, would you recommend mixing a couple good sticks of hardwoods in? Or just burn off all the pine early in the season with exclusive pine loads and save all he hardwoods for deep winter?