Blaze king princess 32 newbie. Looking for help

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I'm laughing so hard right now. We did have numbers on thermostats, thermometers and stove top temps many years ago. We removed them because every single day multiple folks would come to this site and read how this guy got "x" cat temp with thermostat set on "x" number. When we went to the numbers free format, those calls (dozens a day) ended!

There are far too many variables that effect all the data points, draft, fuel species, type & configuration of chimney, I could list a dozen more. The calls began with "there is something wrong...because this guy online is getting 6 more hours or twice as much heat and his setting are the same as mine."

Sorry, but no numbers creates far less confusion. Burn well seasoned wood, operate & maintain the stove in a safe manner and watch to make certain your stove pipe isn't polluting the air. Then relax and enjoy other fun activities.

Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you. Glad I could provide a laugh. It’s my surveying/engineering background, want to put numbers on everything.
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It’s my surveying/engineering background, want to put numbers on everything.
I'm with you on that one.
But with that background, you'll also know that numbers become rather meaningless (or at least don't provide value, as @BKVP says) when the number of influential factors (aka variables) becomes too large. Especially when those variables cannot be determined reliably.
I concur with both (and the wish for numbers :p - hence my Condar cat probe now.)

Point is that while numbers should not be compared between different systems, they do serve a purpose comparing behavior of my system at time t1 and t2.

In fact, I would suggest (@BKVP :-) ) to add at least unlabeled tickmarks on the swoosh of the thermostat. I believe most folks have marked the swoosh anyway for settings that work for them at certain weather conditions. Repositioning the thermostat at the "right" (for me) place on some continuous swoosh when the next arctic blast comes in is not always perfect.

Having some division of the swoosh (by tickmarks) into e.g. 5 segments allows a more consistent Tstat setting when the weather changes ("just beyond the third mark for 20 F nights", "at 2.5 for 32 F nights" etc.)

(Yes, I know cat lifetime behavior changes too, and wood as well, etc. etc. but I do find my system to be quite reproducible with 3+year old wood.)

I know it won't happen as folks will start comparing again, just like BKVP complained about. Yet, if many users "amend the stove" (by marking the Tstat) themselves, it suggests it's a useful change.

Anyway, that's my rant of the day.
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the thermometer in my room to see that my wife's "I'm cold" is bogus
LMAO all the way into the lair to feed the dragon.
No thermometer in the house, with the exception of the GF.
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Point is that while numbers should not be compared between different systems, they do serve a purpose comparing behavior of my system at time t1 and t2.
Agreed, by only considering YOUR system you've successfully eliminated most of the variables. Or, rather, turned them into constants.
Not something BK can do, obviously...
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Agreed, by only considering YOUR system you've successfully eliminated most of the variables. Or, rather, turned them into constants.
Not something BK can do, obviously...
But... Just some tickmarks rather than a smooth swoosh.
I feel "lost" on the swoosh without some indicators...
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But... Just some tickmarks rather than a smooth swoosh.
I feel "lost" on the swoosh without some indicators...

The numbered thermostat that generated too many calls for BK to handle had tickmarks with numbers. The numbers were irrelevant except for reference. My 2012 model princess has a numbered dial. It's just a sticker, you can make your own but I don't think you can buy the numbered dial face sticker from BK anymore.

It's like putting in the manual that warranty is void if you install this stove in a workshop or uninsulated basement, the company sometimes has other priorities.
I know. So sharpie it is.
Still, a feature that many folks add ... - I'll stop as I'm repeating myself