Thank you. Glad I could provide a laugh. It’s my surveying/engineering background, want to put numbers on everything.I'm laughing so hard right now. We did have numbers on thermostats, thermometers and stove top temps many years ago. We removed them because every single day multiple folks would come to this site and read how this guy got "x" cat temp with thermostat set on "x" number. When we went to the numbers free format, those calls (dozens a day) ended!
There are far too many variables that effect all the data points, draft, fuel species, type & configuration of chimney, I could list a dozen more. The calls began with "there is something wrong...because this guy online is getting 6 more hours or twice as much heat and his setting are the same as mine."
Sorry, but no numbers creates far less confusion. Burn well seasoned wood, operate & maintain the stove in a safe manner and watch to make certain your stove pipe isn't polluting the air. Then relax and enjoy other fun activities.
Thank you for your understanding.