Minister of Fire
DuaeGuttae....I noticed your winter temps where you are currently located and I have to wonder why? Your need for heat seems to be very low to me...would a propane appliance not suffice for your needs? I understand that you moved from a environment where wood heat was a necessity and that you enjoyed that experience as do I but I have to question a real need for your current situation as I feel that even a BK dialed all the way back would be a bit much on most days for you....your winter temps are my shoulder season here and there are days that I have my Princess Ultra dialed down as far as she will go with out stalling out and I have to open doors...this doesn't happen very often but it does happen.This can be combatted some what by building small fires one time a day and letting them burn out....
I definitely understand your wondering, as we certainly wondered if we would even want a woodstove in this climate. As we are going through this winter, we are becoming convinced that the answer is that we will. We would like a stove as back up heat if the power goes out. (You know your electric service isn’t the most reliable when you get an apology letter from your provider for the many, many outages during the year.). We would like to get more use out of it than that, though, because we have been surprised to find ourselves chilly frequently in our home this year. Because of our mild climate, though, we are concerned about having the heat be too much (one reason for my asking about a BK20 series), and I do very much appreciate hearing from folks who deal with this.
If you wouldn’t mind sharing your square (or cubic) footage and under what circumstances (outside temps, solar gain) you find things overheating, I’d be grateful. We’re willing to spend the money on a Blaze King but don’t want to do so if it really wouldn’t benefit us.